
Не постоје подаци о траженом курсу.
Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Dunnette, M.D., & Hough, L. (Eds.) (1990) Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 1, Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press. Одабрана поглавља.
Друштво психолога Србије (2000) Кодекс етике, Београд: Друштво психолога Србије.
APA (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.), Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Rogelberg, S.G. (Ed.) (2002). Handbook of Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.
Lowman, R.L. Ed. (2006) The Ethical Practice оf Psychology in Organizations, APA, Washington, DC and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Bowling Green, OH. Одабрана поглавља.
Petrović, I. (2011). Profesionalna i etička pitanja u psihologiji rada (skripta), Beograd: Filozofski fakultet i WUS Austria.
Општа допунска литература
Baruch, Y., Konrad, A.M., Aguinis, H. and Starbuck, W.H. (Eds.) (2008) Opening the Black Box of Editorship, New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Aguinis, H., & Henle, C.A. (2001). Conducting ethical research: Much more than just a good idea. Academy of Management Research Methods Division Newsletter, 16(1), 1, 3-4, 13, 17-18.
Aguinis, H., Henle, C.A., & Ostroff, C. (2001). Measurement in work and organizational psychology. In N. Anderson, D.S. Ones, H.K. Sinangil, and C. Viswesvaran (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial, Work and
Campbell, J.P., Daft, R.L., & Hulin, C.L. (1982). What to study: Generating and developing research questions, Beverly Hills: Sage.
ENOP (1998) European Curriculum in W&O Psychology: Reference Model and Minimal Standards, Paris: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Serie Documents de Travail.