
Philosophy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
History of Philosophy IIIa (19th century philosophy – I part)
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 7.00
Pre-requisites: Knowledge of German, English or French is desirable.

Course objectives: Students will get acquainted with the most important ideas of three 18th and 19th-century German philosophers – Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer and Wilhelm Dilthey.

Course description: The course begins with an analysis of Kant's philosophy from critical period – his epistemology, ontology, practical philosophy and critique of metaphysics. After that, the course focuses on the thought of Arthur Schopenhauer and deals with his critique of Kant's philosophy, his doctrine of principle of sufficient reason, his metaphysics, ethics and aesthetics. Finally, the course deals with the ideas of Wilhelm Dilthey about life and Geisteswissenschaften. The largest part of the course is devoted to Immanuel Kant and the least to Wilhelm Dilthey.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the most important views of Kant, Schopenhauer and Dilthey.

  • 1) Imanuel Kant, Kritika čistog uma:Predgovori za prvo i drugo izdanje, Prvi deo i drugi deo (Transcendentalna estetika, analitika i dijalektika). Numeracija stranica sa spiska vežbi - BIGZ-ovo izdanje
  • 2) Imanuel Kant, Kritika praktičnog uma, BIGZ, Beograd 1990, §1-8
  • 3) Imanuel Kant, Zasnivanje metafizike morala, BIGZ, Beograd 1981, 1. i 2. deo
  • 4) Imanuel Kant, Kritika moći suđenja, BIGZ, Beograd 1975, Analitika i dijalektika teleološke moći suđenja, §61-84
  • 5) Imanuel Kant, Metafizika morala, Prvi deo – Metafizika prava, Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, Sremski Karlovci 1993, §43-9, 53-62
  • 6) Imanuel Kant, „Večni mir. Filozofski nacrt“, u I. Kant, Um i sloboda, Ideje, Beograd 1974., str. 135-169.
  • 7) Imanuel Kant, „Odgovor na pitanje: šta je prosvećenost“, Ideje, Beograd 1974, str. 41-8.
  • 8) Artur Šopenhauer, Svet kao volja i predstava, Prvi tom, Službeni glasnik, Beograd 2005. I tom—Prva knjiga, §1-12 Dodatak str. 467 I tom — Druga knjiga §17-29 I tom — Treća knjiga, §30-40 I
  • 9) Artur Šopenhauer, O slobodi volje, Svetovi, Novi Sad 1992, Prvi i drugi deo
  • 10) Artur Šopenhauer, O temelju morala, Bratstvo-Jedinstvo, Novi Sad 1990, Treći deo
  • 1) Miloš Arsenijević, „Kantova teorijska filozofija“, Filozofske studije, VI, Beograd 1975., str. 9-114.
  • 2) Ivan Vuković, Oponašanje Boga, intimna istorija Kantove filozofije, Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, Sremski Karlovci 2006.
  • 3) H.J. Paton, Kant’s Metaphysics of experience, I i II, London: George Allen&Unwin Ltd, New York: Humanities Press Inc. 1936-1970.
  • 4) Henry Allison, Kant’s Transcendental Idealism, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 1983.
  • 5) Paul Guyer, izd., The Cambridge Companion to Kant, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1992.
  • 6) Otfried Höffe, Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Die grundelgung der modernen Philosophie, C.H.Beck, München 2003.