
Не постоје подаци о траженом курсу.
Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Avlijaš, S, et al (2011) The political-economy of decentralisation and regional policy in Serbia (e-format)
Bowen, S. 2011. The Importance of Place: Re-territorialising Embeddedness, Sociologia Ruralis, Vol 51, Number 4: 325-348.
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Zelman, M.G., i Z.Zelman. (2010) Uvod u sociologiju zajednica. Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, str. 21-81. (e-format)
Cvejić, S., Đurović, D. (2011) Održivi turizam u funkciji ruralnog razvoja, Beograd: SeCons. (e-format)
Petrović, M. (2010) “O izazovima lokalnog i regionalnog razvoja”, Sociologija, Vol. LII, No 2. Str. 211-215.
Bowen, S. 2011. The Importance of Place: Re-territorialising Embeddedness, Sociologia Ruralis, Vol 51, Number 4: 325-348.
Escobar, A. 2001. Culture sits in places: reflections on globalism and subaltern strategies of localization, Political Geography 20 (2001) 139–174.
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Manci, T. et al (2010) Social Sustainability in Urban Areas, Earthscan.
Camagni R., (2008) „Regional competitiveness: Towards a concept of territorial capital“, In Modelling Regional Scenarios for the Enlarged Europe, ed. R. Capello, R.P. Camagni, B. Chizzolini, and U. Fratesi, Berlin: Springer, pp. 33-47.
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Општа допунска литература
Wolfram, M. (2012), »Deconstructing smart cities: an intertextual reading of concepts and practices for integrated urban and development«, in: Schrenk, M. et als. (eds.), Proceedings REAL CORP 2012 Tagungsband: Re-mixing the city – towards sustainability and resilience?:
Ina Horlings and Frans Padt . 2011. Leadership for Sustainable Regional Development in Rural Areas: Bridging Personal and Institutional Aspects, Sustainable Development,
Ina Horlings . 2010. Making sense of place; the urgency for place-based sustainable policies , Paper for the Cardiff International Conference on Sustainable place-making, Cardiff, 29th/30th October 2012.
Vujošević, M. i Petovar, K. (2008) Novi teorijski i metodološki pristupi u izradi strategije održivog regionalnog razvoja. Primer Zlatibosrkog regiona. Beograd: IAUS.
Duxbury, Nancy; Gillete, Eileen (2007). Culture as a Key Dimension of Sustainability: Exploring Concepts, Themes and Models. Creative City Network of Canada – Centre of Expertise on Culture and Community. (http://www. Pdf)
Korff, Ruediger (2003). Local Enclosures of Globalization.The Power of Locality. Dialectical Anthropology, 27, str. 1-18