
Не постоје подаци о траженом курсу.
Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Anning, A., Cullen,J., Fleer, M., (eds), Early Childhood Education: Society and Culture, London, Sage publ.
Kennedy, D., 2006, The well of Being, State University of New York Press, Albany
Dahlberg, G, Moss, P., Pence, A., 1999, Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care:Postmodern Perspectives, London, The Falmer Press
Dalberg, G., Moss, P., 2005, Ethics and Politics in Early Chidhood Education, London, Routledge
Pešić, M., 2001, Teorija i praksa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u SRJ, u: Pešić i dr. Predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje SR Jugoslaviji , Beograd, Čigoja
Rinaldi, C., 2005, In Dialogue with Reggio Emilia, London, Routledge
Siraj-Blatchford, I., 2000, Early Childhood Pedagogy: Practices, Principles and Research, u: Mortimore, P., ed., Understanding Pedagogy, London, Paul Chapman
Suransky, V. 1982, The Erosion of Childhood, Chicago, Chicago University Press