
Не постоје подаци о траженом курсу.
Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Peter Lamarque and S. H. Olsen (eds.), Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art, 2004, str. 9-62, 142-171 i 235-294
Stephen Davies, Definitions of Art, 1991
J. Tully (ed.), Meaning and Context: Quentin Skinner and His Critics, 1989, str. 68-78 i 231-288
Leon Kojen, Umetnost i vrednost, 1989, str. 41-76
Gary Iseminger (ed.), Intention and Interpretation, 1992
Општа допунска литература
M. Krausz (ed.), Is There a Single Right Interpretation, 2002
M.H. Abrams, Doing Things with Texts, 1991, str. 31-87
Noel Carroll (ed.), Theories of Art Today, 2001, str. 25-64, 93-108 i 130-140
Robert Stecker, Artworks: Definition, Meaning, Value, 1997
Jerrold Levinson, The Pleasures of Aesthetics, 1996, str. 150-171
Jerrold Levinson, Contemplating Art, 2006, str. 13-26 i 275-311
Richard Wollheim, Painting as an Art, 1987
Anthony Savile, The Test of Time, 1982, str. 41-85