Etnologija i antropologija

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MILENKOVIĆ, Miloš. Посткултурна антропологија и мултикултурне политике. У: KOVAČ, Senka (ur.). Проблеми културног идентитета становништва савремене Србије, (Етноантрополошки проблеми). Београд: Одељење за етнологију и антропологију, Филозофски факултет, 2005, стр. 61-74.
MILENKOVIĆ, Miloš. Paradoks postkulturne antropologije : postmoderna teorija etnografije kao teorija kulture. Antropologija, 2007, br. 3, str. 121-143.
Turner, Terence 1993 Anthropology and Multiculturalism: What Is Anthropology That Multiculturalists Should Be Mindful of It? Cultural Anthropology 8: 411-29
Scott, David 2003 Culture in Political Theory. Political Theory 31, 1: 92-115; Brumman, Christoph 1999 Writing for Culture: Why a Successful Concept Should Not be Discarded? Current Anthropology 40
Hannerz, Ulf 1999 Reflections on Varieties of Culturespeak. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2, 3: 393–407; Hannerz U 1993 When culture is everywhere: reflections on a favorite concept. Ethnos 58: 95–111
Martin, Emily 1998 Anthropology and the Cultural Study of Science: Science, Technology and Human Values 23, 1: 24-44; Woolgar, S. 1991 What is Anthropological About the Anthropology of Science? Current Anthropology 32, 1: 79-81
Latour, Bruno 1990 Postmodern? No, Simply AModern! Steps Towards an Anthropology of Science. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 21, 1: 145-171
Franklin, Sarah. 1995 Science as culture, cultures of science. Annual Review of Anthropology 24:163-184; Latour, Bruno and Steve Woolgar 1986 Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts. Princeton: Princeton University Press (An Anthropologist Visits the Laboratory, 43-90)
Latour, B. 2005 Nikada nismo bili moderni: Ogled iz simetrične antropologije. Zagreb: Arkzin