
Не постоје подаци о траженом курсу.
Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Brajša-Žganec, A., Merkaš, M. & Šverko, I. (2011). Quality of Life and Leisure Activities: How do Leisure Activities Contribute to Subjective Well-Being? Social Indicators Research.
Henderson, K. A. et al. (2003) A Leisure of One’s Own: A Feminist Perspective on Women’s Leisure. State College, PA: Venture Publishing.
Jones, I. and Simon, G. (2001) Lifelong Learning as Serious Leisure: Policy, Practice and Potential. Leisure Studies, Vol. 20 (pp. 269-283)
Kacavenda-Radic, N. (2003) Suitability and Education of the Population for Incoming Tourism, The Development and Potentials of Ecotourism on Balkan Peninsula, SANU and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Kačavenda-Radić, N. (1997) Istraživanja u oblasti dokolice i obrazovanja – svetske relacije. Zbornik radova: Istraživanja u pedagogiji i andragogiji, Beograd: IPA.
Kačavenda-Radić, N. (2005) Leisure as an Opportunity for Lifelong Learning. In: Terzis, N. P. (Ed.) Lifelong Learning in the Balkans. Thesaloniki: Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education.
Kačavenda-Radić, N. (2009). Leisure Education: Core Issues and Models. Andragoške studije.
Kačavenda-Radić, N. (2009b) Pedagogija slobodnog vremena: tendencije i relevantne oblasti u obrazovanju pedagoga. Beograd: Godišnjak Srpske akademije obrazovanja.
Kačavenda-Radić, N., Nikolić-Maksić, T. i Ljujić, B. (2011) Kvalitet dokoličarskog i komunikaciono-medijskog obrazovanja. Zbornik radova: Kvalitet u obrazovanju, Beograd: IPA.
Nikolic Maksić, T. (2009) Self concept i obrazovanje u slobodnom vremenu odraslih, magistarski rad.