Етнологија и антропологија

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Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Ildiko Erdei, Antropologija potrošnje, XX vek, Beograd, 2008
Victor Buchli (ur.), The Material Culture Reader, Berg, 2002
Deniel Miler, Artefakti i značenje predmeta, III program Radio Beograda 1/2 (125/126), Beograd, 2005, 247-273.
I. Kopitoff, The cultural biography of things: commoditization as process, u: A.Appadurai, (ed.), The Social Life of Things, Commodities in cultural perspective, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986, 64-91
P. Burdije, Kuća ili obrnuti svet, u: Nacrt za jednu teoriju prakse, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 1999, 39-52
J. Hoskins, Biographical Objects, How Objects Tell Stories about People’s Lives, Routledge, 1999, 1-13
Eleana Yalouri, „The Acropolis Past and Present“, „Contesting Greek Identity Between Local and Global“, in: The Acropolis, Global Fame, Local Clame, Berg, Oxford, New York, 2001, 27-48, 77-100
B. McVeigh, Commodifying Affection, Authority and Gender in the Everyday Objects of Japan, Journal of Material Culture, Vol.1, No. 3, Sage Publications, London and New Delhi, November 1996, 291-312
Annette B. Weiner, Inalienable Possessions, The Paradox of Keeping-While-Giving, Univesity of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oxford, 1992, 1-43