
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Foundations of Economic Sociology
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 6
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Introductory knowledge from general social theory, economics, sociology of labor, social methods and statistics.

Course objectives: Introducing students to basic theories and empirically examined facts/data in the area of economic sociology. Adopting the most important ideas, understanding theoretical orientations and directions, problematic areas and main research findings in this specific field of sociology.

Course description: The Relations and interdependence of society, economy and economic action provide the main basis for the course. Within that framework individual topics will be examined related to common social, political and economic institutions, cultural and economic processes, individual and organizational webs, socially and culturally conditioned inequalities in labor, rest and spending.

Learning Outcomes: Students will have gained critical insight into theoretical approaches in classical and contemporary economic sociology; including key concepts and issues in the discipline, knowledge of the most important research done on the issue and relevant social phenomena.

  • Korpi, W. Economic Growth and the Welfare State: Leaky Bucket or Irrigation System?
  • Begović, B. I dr. Privatizacija realnog sektora + Novo ekonomsko zakonodavstvo, u Četiri godine tranzicije u Srbiji, 185-207 + 241-263
  • Koch, Thomas, «The Social and Cultural Embeddedness of Entrepreneurs in Eastern Germany», in Stark, Grabher (eds.), 1997. Restructuring Networks in Postsocialism: 242-261
  • Clive George, Colin Kirkpatrick, Impact Assessment and Sustainable development, Edward, Elgar, London, 2007: 15-31
  • Cvejić, S. 2011. Društvena određenost ekonomskih pojava. Beograd: Čigoja i ISI FF.
  • Babović M. (ur) Izazovi nove socijalne politike, Beograd: SeConS, 25-48, 145-158
  • Štulhofer, A. Nevidljiva ruka tranzicije. Ogledi iz ekonomske sociologije, 17-58,
  • Babović, „Socijalne mreže – povezivanje društvenih aktera u sferi ekonomskih aktivnosti”, Sociologija No. 4, 2005: 351-370
  • Arandarenko, M. (2011) Tržište rada u Srbiji: trendovi, institucije, politike, Centar za izdavačku delatnost Ekonomskog fakulteta u Beogradu : 71—84, 107-120, 127- 140.
  • Cvejić, S. 2002. Neformalna privreda u post-socijalističkoj transformaciji: ‘siva ekonomija u Srbiji 90-ih’, u Bolčić, S. i A.Milić, ur. Srbija krajem milenijuma: razaranje društva, promene i svako
  • Mrkšić, D. 1994. Siva ekonomija i socijalna stratifikacija, u Lazić, M., ur. Razaranje društva, Beograd: Filip Višnjić
  • Babović, Post-socijalistička transformacija i socio-ekonomske strategije domaćinstava i pojedinaca u Srbiji, ISI, Beograd: 23-58.
  • Vesna Pešić, „Društvena slojevitost i stil života”, u Popović et al., Društveni slojevi i društvena svest: 121-196
  • Chang, H-J. (2003) »Razvoj institucija u istorijskoj perspektivi«, (prevod) (»Institutional Development in Historical Perspective« in Chang, H-J. (ed.) Rethinking Development Economics, Anthem Pr
  • Nayyar, D. (2003) »Globalizacija i razvoj« (prevod) (»Globalization and Development« in Chang, H-J. (ed.) Rethinking Development Economics, Anthem Press, London, pp: 61-80.
  • Sen, A. (2002) Razvoj kao sloboda, Beograd: Filip Višnjić, str: 11-13, 19-28, 139-178.
  • Swedberg, R. (2006) Načela ekonomske sociologije, Zagreb: Mate, str: 241-259, 263-277.
  • S. Bolčić, 1983, Razvoj i kriza jugoslovenskog društva u sociološkoj perpspektivi, Beograd: SIC Radionica
  • Milanović, B. 2006. Odvojeni svetovi. Beograd: UNDP, str. 63-85, 157-170
  • Spasić, I. 2010. Kulturni obrasci i svakodnevni život u Srbiji posle 2000. godine u Cvejić, S, ur. Suživot sa reformama, Beograd: ISI FF.
  • Faktori korupcije u pravosuđu, u Begović, B. i dr. ‘Korupcija u pravosuđu’, Beograd: CLDS
  • Pešić, V. „Teorija promene i Parsonsovo shvatanje modernog društva“, u Milić, A. i dr. Sociologija društvene akcije Talkota Parsonsa
  • Polanji, K. (2003) Velika transformacija - politička i ekonomska ishodišta našeg vremena. Beograd: Filip Višnjić, poglavlja 3 i 4: 45-64.
  • Kurz, Heinz D. (2006) “Joseph Alois Schumpeter – politički ekonomista između Marxa i Walrasa,” Ekonomski anali, 51 (169), str: 7-42.
  • Sik, E, Wellman, B. (1999) “Network Capital in Capitalist, Communist and Postcommunist Countries”, in Wellman, B. (ed.) Networks In The Global Village: Life In Contemporary Communities, Westview Press