
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Consumption Society and Urban Lifestyles
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: To successfully participate in this course knowledge of fundamentals of social theory, urban sociology and sociology of culture are needed.

Course objectives: The objective of this course is to develop critiques on contemporary urban lifestyles- the conditions, actors, ways of creating supply and demand in urban spaces (society) and the market, government and urban society.

Course description: The course links sociology of consumption and sociology of space. Taking the space as socially experienced, conceived and lived, thus having the important symbolic value in social relations, the special focus is given to consumption practices not only located in space but also those by which the space is produced. Through developing their own research project, students discover the role of space in the process of social distinction based on specific urban lifestyles founded on appropriation and use of particular spatial resources.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be capable of sociologically analyzing (theoretically and empirically as opposed to applied analysis) contemporary urban lifestyles and assessing their importance as a contributing factor in developing & changing the quality of life in urban spaces.

  • Vujović, S. I M. Petrović (2005) Urbana sociologija, ZUNS, Beograd.
  • Clarke, D. (2003) The Consumer Society and the Postmodern City, Routledge, 2003.
  • Zukin, S, (1998) Urban Lifestyles: Diversity and Standardisation in Spaces of Consumption, Urban Studies, vol. 35, no 5-6, 825-839.
  • Florida, R (2002) Cities and the Creative Class, New York: Basic Books
  • Featherstone, M. (1991) City Cultures and Post-modern Lifestyles, Consumer Cultures and Postmodernism, 1991. Sage Publication, ch.7.
  • Stanilov, K. (ed) 2007 The Post-Socialist City, Springer.
  • Mina Petrović, (2009) Transformacija gradova – depolitizacija urbanog pitanja, ISI FF, Beograd .
  • Petrović, M. (2008) "Istraživanje socijalnih aspekata urbanog susedstva", Sociologija, br. 1.
  • Petrović, M. (2010) Potrošnja domaćinstava i socijalna diferencijacija u Srbiji 2003-2007, u S. Cvejić (ur.) Suživot sa reformama, Beograd : ISI FF, str. 125-152.
  • Hirt, S. Pertrović, M. (2011) The Belgrade wall: The proliferation of gated housing in the Serbian capital after socialism, International Journal of Urban and regional Research, Vol. 35. No.4
  • Čaldarović Ognjen (2011), Urbano društvo na početku 21. stoljeća – osnovni sociološki procesi i dileme, Zagreb: HSD, Naklada Jasenski i Turk.
  • Fajf, N. (2002) Prizori ulice, Beograd: Clio, str. 109-130; 287-309; 351-384.
  • Tomić-Koludrović, I. (2002) Postindustrijska modernizacija društva, novi individualizam, Mikro-makro konceptualizacija životnog stila, U: Tomić-Koludrović, I. I Leburić, A. Socilogija životnog stila. Zagreb: HSD, str. 13-58; 147-175.
  • Zelman, M.G., i Z.Zelman. (2010) Uvod u sociologiju zajednica. Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, str. 21-81. (e-format)
  • S.Stanić (2011) (Post)socijalnost u savremenom potrošačkom prostoru. Sociologija i prostor, br.189: 3-24. (e-format)
  • Ognjen Čaldarović i Jana Šarinić, 2008. Suvremena komunikacijska tehnologija i urbana sredina - prostor, mjesta, vrijeme, Socijalna ekologija, 17(4): 331-341. (e-format)
  • Čejni, D. (2003) Životni stilovi,Beograd: Clio.
  • Petrovic, D. 2008. U medjumrežju: internet i novi obrasci društvenosti. Beograd: ISI FF i Saobraćajni fakultet UB.
  • Žil Lipovecki. 2008. Paradoksalna sreća: Ogled o hiperpotrošačkom društvu. Zagreb: Antibarbarus, str. 15-94. (e-format)
  • Tomanović, S. i Petrović M.(2010) “Children’s and parents’ perspectives on risks and safety in three Belgrade neighborhoods”, Children’s Geographies, Vol. 8. No.2, 141 — 156.
  • Zeman, Zdenko (2007). Identitetske strategije: u potrazi za smislom. Društvena istraživanja, god. 16, br. 6 (92), str. 1015-1029
  • Gieryn, T.A. 2000. A space for place in sociology. Annu. Rev. Sociol. 26:463–96.
  • Hromadžić, H. 2012. Konzumeristički kapitalizam: epoha produkcije imaginarija potrošačke želje. Sociologija i prostor, 50 (1):45-60.