
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Sociology of Families (undergraduate)
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: To successfully participate in this course students must have previous knowledge of basic sociological, anthropological, psychological and pedagogical categories and ideas.

Course objectives: The objective of this course is for students to learn about the making of modern family, the main issues surrounding contemporary families, as well as approaches to studying and analyzing those issues.

Course description: This course approaches the issues in sociology of families as particular sociological discipline: the creation and historical development of the modern family; subjects and elements of the modern and contemporary family (homemaking, marriage, authority, kinship etc). Gender and generational issues will be analyzed, as well as fundamental social processes present in families (socialization, disintegration and life cycles) and the relationship between the family and society. Through interactive workshops and seminars, students will engage in analysis of relevant texts and data and will learn research skills related to the field.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to approach issues and problems related to contemporary family life from a sociological and critical standpoint. Students will gain the professional skills required for research and practical sociological work with families in our social environment.

  • Anđelka Milić: Sociologija porodice, Čigoja, Beograd, 2007. (stranice koje su navedene u silabusu)
  • Smiljka Tomanović (2019) „O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o porodici? Kontekstualizacija koncepta“ Sociologija, Vol. 61, No. 3: 301 - 322.
  • Anđelka Milić: Rađanje moderne porodice, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 1988: uvodni tekst A. Milić „Porodica – dijalog sociologije i istorije“
  • Tamara Hariven, "Istorija porodice kao interdisciplinarna oblast", u ur. Anđelka Milić: Rađanje moderne porodice ZUNS Beograd.
  • Filip Arijes, "Vekovi detinjstva" u ur. Anđelka Milić: Rađanje moderne porodice ZUNS Beograd.
  • Jang i Vilmot: „Razvoj simetrične porodice, u Anđelka MIlić, Rađanje moderne porodice, ZUNS Beograd
  • Žak Donzelo „Vladanje posredstvom porodice" u ur Anšelka Milić, Rađanje moderne porodice, ZUNS Beograd
  • Miterauer i Zider „Nastanak ciklusa savremene porodice“, u ur Anđelka MIlić, Rađanje moderne porodice, ZUNS Beograd.
  • Gidens, Entoni „Porodica“ u Odbegli svet. Kako globalizacija preoblikuje naše živote, Beograd: Stubovi kulture, 2005, str. 77 – 90.
  • Bek, U. (2003) Živeti sopstveni život u svetu koji se ubrzano menja - individualizacija, globalizacija i politika. u: Haton Vil, Gidens Entoni, Na ivici - živeti sa globalnim kapitalizmom, BG. Plato.
  • Odabrane studije sa posebnog spiska domaćih istraživanja.