
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Overcoming the past
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Fulfillment of academic obligations.

Course objectives: To discover the connection between images of the past and needs of the present. The focus of the course will be on socialist and fascist history. Assessing the theoretical importance and ideological political role of major international historical-sociological debates at the end of the 20th century.

Course description: Overcoming the past, ways of facing the past, politics related to the past, the culture of memory at the end of the 20th century. Forms of re-fabricating history and its social-integrative role in main international political ideological debates at the end of the 20th century: Historikerstreit, Goldhagen-debate, debate about the «Black Box of communism» and the Finklestein debate. Fabricating the past in «countries in transition»: economic globalization, national fragmentation, conversions of ideas and critiques of socialism. Legal and political forms of overcoming the past. Social conditions in changing memories and the role of planned ideologizing of the past during the breakup of Yugoslavia and the creation of new Balkan nation-states. EU and synchronizing the past.

Learning Outcomes: Students will understand the connection between images(ideas) of history and interests of contemporary social groups.

  • Kuljić Todor (2006). Kultura sećanja. Beograd: Čigoja.
  • Kuljuć Todor (2002). Prevladavanje prošlosti. Beograd: Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava.
  • Kuljić Todor (2005). Tito. Zrenjanin: Gradska narodna biblioteka Zrenjanin.
  • Kuljić Todor (2008). Kolektivno pamćenje i društveno vreme - u: Bogdanović Marija, Mimica Aljoša (ur.) Sociološki račnik. Beograd: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika.
  • Petrović Nebojša (2005). Psihološke osnove pomirenja između Srba, Hrvata i Bošnjaka. Beograd: Institut za psihologiju.
  • Albvaš Moris (1999). Kolektivno i istorijsko pamćenje. Reč, br. 56, str. 63-83.
  • Bojm Svetlana (2005). Budućnost nostalgije. Beograd: Geopoetika, str. 15-135.
  • Eš Timoti Garton (1999). Suđenja, očišćenja i istorijske pouke. Reč, br.57, str. 117-129.
  • Goldhagen Danijel (1998). Hitlerovi dobrovoljni dželati. Beograd: B 92.
  • Golubović Zagorka, Spasić Ivana, Pavićević Đorđe (2003). Politika i svakodnevni život - Srbija 1999-2002, str. 99-141.
  • Hobsbom Erik, Rejndžer Terens (2002) (ur.). Izmišljanje tradicije. Beograd: 20. vek.
  • Ilić Vladimir (2002). Prevladavanje prošlosti u Vojvodini. Zrenjanin: GNB "Žarko Zrenjanin".
  • Leksikon Yu mitologije (2004). Beograd: Rende.
  • Mihailović Srećko (2005). Kako građani Srbije vide i doživljavaju tranziciju, u: Mihailović Srećko, ur. Pet godina tranzicije u Srbiji. Beograd: SD, F. Ebert, str. 205-247.
  • Niče Fridrih (2001). O koristi i šteti istorije za život. Novi Sad: Svetovi.
  • Vodinelić Vladimir. Pravna odgovornost za autoritarnu prošlost. NSPM, VOL VII, No.1-2, str. 31-55.