
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Sociology of Elections
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of the sociology and political life of Serbia.

Course objectives: The main goal of this course it to bring about an understanding of electoral behavior of the voting populace and the ways of recruiting the elite through elections.

Course description: The concept of the sociology of elections. The meaning and role of elections in the political process. Electoral participation and non-participation. Political parties and elections. Electoral campaigns. Party identification. Electoral indecision. Social structure and electoral choice. Political culture and electoral choice. Elections and recruiting elites. Pre-election and post-election coalitions. Elections in Serbia up until 2000. Elections in Serbia after 2000.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course, students will be able to work with basic concepts from the sociology of elections, will know key tenets of important theories on electoral behavior and will be capable of describing the most important occurrences in the electoral process of Serbia.

  • Fransoa Gogel, «Sociologija izbora», u Gurvič, Sociologija, tom 1, poglavlje 3.
  • Sajc, Aleksandra (1996): Izborna apstinencija na Zapadu - osnovni podaci o visini i tumačenja, Dialogue, Journal International d’Arts et de Sciences, Paris, Vol.V, No.17, pp. 84-89.
  • Sajc, Aleksandra (1996): Socio-demografske karakteristike izborno neodlučnih i apstinenata u Srbiji 1990-1993, Sociologija, Beograd, Vol.XXXVIII, No. 2, str.195-223
  • Slavujević, Zoran (2007): Izborne kampanje: pohod na birače : slučaj Srbije od 1990. do 2007. godine, Beograd: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Fakultet političkih nauka i Institut društvenih nauka, str.13-22
  • Antonić, Slobodan (2005): “Stranačko poistovećenje: slučaj Srbije” , Sociološki pregled, god. XXXIX, br. 2, str. 123-151.
  • Antonić, Slobodan (2005): “Izborna kolebljivost u Srbiji: poređenje i objašnjenje”, Sociološki pregled, god. XXXIX, br. 3, str. 229-250.
  • Sajc, Aleksandra (1996): Osnovne koncepcije o determinaciji izbornog ponašanja, Gledišta, Beograd, vol. XXXVI, No. 1-2, str.109-122.
  • Antonić, Slobodan (1998): “Stranački i društveni rascepi u Srbiji”, Sociologija, god. XL, br. 3, str. 323-356
  • Mihailović, Srećko (1991): “Izbori ’90: mnjenje građana Srbije”, u Od izbornih rituala do slobodnih izbora, ur. S.Mihailović i V.Goati, str. 27-126. Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka.
  • Antonić, Slobodan (2006): Elita, građanstvo, slaba država: Srbija posle 2000. Beograd: Službeni glasnik.
  • Antonić, Slobodan (2002): “Srbija među izborima: od skupštinskih izbora 2003. do predsedničkih izbora 2004. godine”, Nova srpska politička misao, god. IX, br. 1-4, str. 169-195.
  • Antonić, Slobodan (2002): Zarobljena zemlja: Srbija za vlade Slobodana Miloševića. Beograd: Otkrovenje
  • Antonić, Slobodan i Dušan Pavlović (2007): Konsolidacija demokratskih ustanova u Srbiji posle 2000. godine. Beograd: Službeni glasnik.