
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Models of protection and social policy
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 6
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: To successfully participate in this course previous knowledge of basic sociological, anthropological, psychological and pedagogical concepts is required.

Course objectives: Learning about various models of citizen-protection from a comparative perspective. Students will gain the ability to critically analyze political documents from various spheres of social life and be able to produce concrete resolutions to problems in those spheres.

Course description: Analysis of basic forms of citizen protection: liberal, corporate, social-democratic and residual. Models of protection and welfare in Serbia on the issues of:reducing poverty, housing, community organizing and developing, social protection and child and family welfare. The practical component of the course will involve analyzing international and national (local) documents and labs in which problem-solving skills around these issues will be developed.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to critically analyze political documents in several spheres of social life and be able to produce concrete resolutions to problems in those spheres.

Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Models of protection and social policy
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: To successfully participate in this course previous knowledge of basic sociological, anthropological, psychological and pedagogical concepts is required.

Course objectives: Learning about various models of citizen-protection from a comparative perspective. Students will gain the ability to critically analyze political documents from various spheres of social life and be able to produce concrete resolutions to problems in those spheres.

Course description: Analysis of basic forms of citizen protection: liberal, corporate, social-democratic and residual. Models of protection and welfare in Serbia on the issues of:reducing poverty, housing, community organizing and developing, social protection and child and family welfare. The practical component of the course will involve analyzing international and national (local) documents and labs in which problem-solving skills around these issues will be developed.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to critically analyze political documents in several spheres of social life and be able to produce concrete resolutions to problems in those spheres.

  • Nedovic, S. (1995) “Drzava blagostanja. Ideje I politike”, Beograd: Draganic.
  • Petrovic, M. (2004) “Sociologija stanovanja - stambena politika: izazovi I mogucnosti”, Beograd: ISI FF.