
Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia 2013
Multiperspectivity in History Teaching
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: attending classes Methods of teaching social-humanistic subjects

Course objectives: Understanding and development of competencies crucial for planning and teaching of history that focuses on the implementation of the didactic concept of multiperspectivity. The concept of multiperspectivity is included in educational standards for the subject.

Course description: Theoretical context 1. Introduction to term and didactic concept of multiperspectivity. 2. Introduction to the General Reference Documents (Council of Europe Recommendations for History Teaching in the 21st Century, Recommendations of the Council of Europe on Image of the Other and Intercultural Dialogue in the History of History, Educational Standards for the End of Compulsory Education in History, Curricula). 3. Theoretical settings of the concept of multiperspectivity 4. Advantages and ways of applying the didactic concept of multiperspectivity 5. Limitations and potential constrains in the implementation of the didactic concept of multiperspectivity Practical part 6. Using the concept of multiperspectivity in the classroom (work with historical sources) 7. Hsing the concept of multiperspectivity in the classroom (work with historiography, literature / interpretations) 8. Multiperspectivity and critical thinking 9. Seminar paper with the concrete implementation of the multiperspectivity on a certain controversial historical subject, or a certain contemporary subject the need for different sources of information (newspapers, audio-visual media, internet ...)

Learning Outcomes: Students will be trained for independent teaching based on the didactic concept of multiperspectivity, planning and achieving of specific descriptors of educational standards, as well as implementing the parts of history curriculum in the classroom using the concept of multiperspectivity.

  • R.Stradling, Multiperspektivnost u nastavi istorije, vodič za nastavnike, Beograd 2004
  • R. Stradling, Nastava istorije 20 veka, Beograd 2003
  • B. fon Boris, Multiperspektivnost, utopijska pretenzija ili izvodljiva osnova učenja istorije u Evropi, Nastava i istorija 1 (2003)
  • M. Šuica, Kako predavati multiperspektivnost u Srbiji, izazovi i ograničenja, Nastava i istorija 2 (2004)
  • Priručnik za nastavnike u BiH, Savet Evrope, ur. Luiza Blek
  • Obrazovni standardi za kraj obaveznog obrazovanja za nsatavni predmet istorija, Beograd 2009.
  • M.Šuica, Nastava istorije, R.Mihaljčić, M.Šuica, S. Knežević, Priručnik za nastavnike istorije za šesti razred osnovne škole, Beograd 2010.
  • Nastava moderne istorije Jugoistočne Evrope, Dodatni nastavni materijali, istorijske čitanke 1-4, Beograd 2010.