
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Psychology of Learning and Instruction
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Finished undergraduate studies.

Course objectives: Psychology of learning and instruction is a course that makes it possible for students to understand the nature and complexity of the school learning process and complexity of teacher’s role, as well as to conceptualize the professional role of psychologist in education in accordance with that.

Course description: 1. Learning in non-school and school contexts 2. Transfer of learning and literacy 3. Psychological theories and school learning 4. Meta-cognition and self-regulated learning 5. Motivation 6. Teacher roles 7. Ways of organizing instruction 8. Instruction and student diversity: individual, group, developmental and cultural differences 9. Research on learning, instruction and personal practice 10. School as a context of learning, development and work

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students will have acquired essential skills needed to create a rich learning environment, including analysis of own practice and practice of other teachers.

Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Psychology of Learning and Instruction
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Finished undergraduate studies.

Course objectives: Psychology of learning and instruction is a course that makes it possible for students to understand the nature and complexity of the school learning process and complexity of teacher’s role, as well as to conceptualize the professional role of psychologist in education in accordance with that.

Course description: 1. Learning in non-school and school contexts 2. Transfer of learning and literacy 3. Psychological theories and school learning 4. Meta-cognition and self-regulated learning 5. Motivation 6. Teacher roles 7. Ways of organizing instruction 8. Instruction and student diversity: individual, group, developmental and cultural differences 9. Research on learning, instruction and personal practice 10. School as a context of learning, development and work

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students will have acquired essential skills needed to create a rich learning environment, including analysis of own practice and practice of other teachers.

  • 1.Vidović, V., Rijavec, M., Vlahović-Štetić, V., Miljković, D. (2003) Psihologija obrazovanja, Zagreb, IEP-VERN’ (odabrana poglavlja)
  • Kovač Cerović, T. i dr. (2011): Školska motivacija: Izveštaj o istraživanju. Beograd: Zavod za vrednovanje kvaliteta obrazovanja
  • Kovač Cerović, T.(1998): Kako znati bolje: Metakognitivni razvoj u svakodnevnom odnosu između majke i deteta. Beograd: Institut za psihologiju (odabrana poglavlja)
  • Ivić, I., Pešikan,A., Antić, S (2001): Aktivno učenje 2, Beograd: Institut za psihologiju, 114-122, 180-191
  • Pavlović-Babić, D., kuzmanović, D. (2006): Čitalačka pismenost kod petnaestogodišnjaka u Srbiji. Empirijska istraživanja u psihologiji, Beograd: Institut za psihologiju 39-46
  • Peletije, L., Valeran, R. (1997): Uverenja edukatora i unutrašnja motivacija edukanata. Psihologija u svetu, II, 2, 106-119
  • Vučić, L. (1991) Pedagoška psihologija (odabrana poglavlja)
  • Pešić, J. (2003): Kritičko mišljelje između pomodarstva i promišljanja, Psihologija, 36, 4, 411-423
  • Rogof, B (1996): KOL interaktivni model učenja i vaspitanja. Psihologija u svetu I, 2, 111-125
  • Pešić, j., Plut, D. (2007): Kriterijumi za procenu kvaliteta udžbenika, u: Plut, D. (urednik): Kvalitet udžbenika za mlađi školski uzrast, Beograd: Institut za psihologiju.
  • Kovač Cerović, T., Rosandić, R., Popadić,D (1996): Učionica dobre volje 1, UNICEF
  • Kovač Cerović, T. i dr. (1995): Igrom do spoznaje: priručnik za radionice sa decom od 7-14 godina. Beograd: UNCHR
  • Ignjatović-Savić, N., Kovač-Cerović, T., Plut, D., Pesikan, A. (1988): Social Interaction in Early Childhood and its Developmental Effects. In: Valsiner, J (Ed): Child Development
  • Grupa autora (2009): Škola po meri deteta 2, Beograd: Save the Children UK, 10-35
  • Grupa autora (2007): Kultura kritičkog mišljenja: Teorijsko zasnivanje i implikacije za nastavu. Beograd: Institut za psihologiju, Grupa MOST, 47-73
  • Lazarević, D. (2004): Dečija interesovanja i stvaranje sredine za učenje. Nastava i vaspitanje, 53, 4-5, 343-349
  • Pešić, J. (2005): Problemski diskurs udžbenika Psihologija, 38, 3, 225-237
  • Radovanović, V. (1993): Empatičnost srednjoškolskih nastavnika, Psihologija, XVI, 1-2, 11-50
  • Dauite, C., Kovacs Cerovic, T. (u štampi): Dynamic storytelling: social transformation role of Pedagogical Assistants in Serbia. OSCE, Institut za psilogiju