
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Applied Social Psychology
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: The prerequisite is previously passed courses in Social perception and interaction and Socialization.

Course objectives: The goal of the course is that the students extend their theoretical and methodological knowledge in social psychology, to become acquainted with applications of this knowledge in solving various social problems, and to be trained to organize applied research.

Course description: Social psychology and law; Health psychology: social psychological perspective; Psychology of persuasion and propaganda; Psychology of voting behavior; Violence in schools; Prediction of behavior; Decision-making processes through the consumption; Psychology of globalization; Environmental social psychology; Close interpersonal relations; New technologies and media as agents of socialization; Social psychology of memory; Social psychology of value orientation.

Learning Outcomes: Student knows how to - examines the possibility of applying social psychological knowledge - critically analyse theoretical assumptions and methodology of scientific studies in social psychology - Independently develops theoretical and methodological aspects of applied research.

Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Applied Social Psychology
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: The prerequisite is previously passed courses in Social perception and interaction and Socialization.

Course objectives: The goal of the course is that the students extend their theoretical and methodological knowledge in social psychology, to become acquainted with applications of this knowledge in solving various social problems, and to be trained to organize applied research.

Course description: Social psychology and law; Health psychology: social psychological perspective; Psychology of persuasion and propaganda; Psychology of voting behavior; Violence in schools; Prediction of behavior; Decision-making processes through the consumption; Psychology of globalization; Environmental social psychology; Close interpersonal relations; New technologies and media as agents of socialization; Social psychology of memory; Social psychology of value orientation.

Learning Outcomes: Student knows how to - examines the possibility of applying social psychological knowledge - critically analyse theoretical assumptions and methodology of scientific studies in social psychology - Independently develops theoretical and methodological aspects of applied research.

  • Arieli, D. (2008) Nelogičan izbor (pp 139-150; 164-202), Alnari, Beograd.
  • Cipek, T. (ur.) (2011). Kultura sjećanja: povijesni lomovi i svladavanje prošlosti. Zagreb: Disput
  • Čorkalo Biruški, D. (2009). Primijenjena psihologija: pitanja i odgovori. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.
  • Hewstone, M., & Stroebe, W. (urednici) (2003). Socijalna psihologija: europske perspektive. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. str. 459-494.
  • Kanton, Dž. (2012). Ekstremna budućnost. Beograd: Clio
  • Kotler, P., Roberto, N. & Li, N.(2008). Socijalni marketing. Clio, Beograd.
  • Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., Akert R. M. (2012). Socijalna psihologija. Beograd: Mate
  • Petrović, N. (2011). Elementi međukulturalne psihologije. Beograd: SGC
  • Popadić, D. (2008). Nasilje u školama. Beograd: Institut za psihologiju, UNICEF
  • Prišlin, R. (1991). Kada se i kako naše ponašanje slaže s našim stavovima? u V. Kolesarić (ur.): Uvod u psihologiju str. 175-213). Zagreb: Grafički zavod.
  • Pavlović, Z. (2009). Vrednosti samoizražavanja u Srbiji – u potrazi za demokratskom političkom kulturom. Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka (str. 1-12).
  • Milošević, J. (1997). Osnovni pristupi u proučavanju izbornog ponašanja, Psihologija, 3, 279-294.