
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Psychology of Crisis
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: Mental health psychology, General psychopathology, Fundamentals of psychotherapy and counseling

Course objectives: Acquiring theoretical knowledge on how different development and accidental life crisis affect mental health. Acquiring practical skills in understanding and intervening in crisis situations. Understanding the model of psychological preventive work.

Course description: Theoretical part: concepts of crisis-trauma-stress; long-term consequences of crisis, traumatic and stressful events; types of crisis states; characteristics of crisis situations; differentiation of expected, developmental crisis states and unexpected, accidental crisis situations during the life cycle (childhood, adolescence, adult age, old age), models of intervention in different crisis situations, indicators of functional coping of different crisis states; models of psychological preventive action and types of intervention in crisis situations; assistance to helpers - interventions directed at (non) professionals in crisis intervention with the aim of preventing professional stress and burnout syndrome. Practical part - comparing and analyzing different models of psychological preventive work - planning, creating and evaluating preventive and/or intervention programs in various crisis situations.

Learning Outcomes: Understanding developmental and accidental life crises; classification of events that cause crisis situations at the individual, family and social level. Understanding the nature and course of crisis situations. Creating models of psychological preventive work.

  • Arambašić, L., (2012).Psihološka prva pomoć nakon kriznih intervencija.Naklada Slap