
Psychology – Master’s Degree 2009
The final work on a research module
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 20.00
Pre-requisites: Passed all subjects, according to program of the module

Course objectives: Mastering of research methods of psychological science, the formulation of the problem, using appropriate methods, discussing and interpreting the findings, drawing theoretical consequences and practical recommendations, writing and presenting of a Scientific Work.

Course description: The final paper is a theoretical and research work of student where s / he applies theoretical, methodological and technical knowledge acquired during their studies. Student chooses a topic and mentor within the attending modules. In consultation with the supervisor, the student develops the research project, does the research on an approved project and writes a report in the form of the final work. Graduate work, as a rule, consists of the following chapters: Introduction and theoretical part, the methodological part, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Literature, and contributions. After completing the work, student access to the public defense.

Learning Outcomes: Setting the scientific and technical problems in the context of modern psychological theories, planning and realisation of the research, Formulation of conclusions and consequences according to results, Writing and presentation of work in accordance with academic standards.
