
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Social Perception and Interaction
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 6
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Prerequisite for taking the course in Social Perception and Interaction is knowledge of general psychology, methodology of psychological research and statistics. In addition, knowledge of psychometrics is useful.

Course objectives: The course’s objective is to help students better recognize and understand various phenomena that occur in interpersonal interaction in both intra- and inter-group relations, and to enable them to independently conduct research in these areas.

Course description: 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of social psychology: The subject and history of social psychology. Methods and techniques of research in social psychology – observation, content analysis, sociometry. 2. Social perception: theories of attribution and cognitive consistency. Perception of individuals and groups. Formation of self-consciousness. Interpersonal attraction. 3. Social interaction: communication – the concept and types. Groups: types, group structure and dynamics. Leadership. Relations within and between groups. Cooperation and competition. Conflicts. Decision-making in groups.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Havelka, N.: SOCIJALNA PERCEPCIJA, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 2008 (str. 71-82, 90-96, 104-107, 111-127, 174-189)
  • 4. Aronson, E., Vilson, T., Akert, R. (2013). SOCIJALNA PSIHOLOGIJA, 5. izdanje. Beograd: Mate. Str. 317-334, 433-444, 464-471:
  • Rot, N.: PSIHOLOGIJA GRUPA, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd 2010 (str. 23-56, 201-242, 281-333, 337-414, 437-455)
  • Havelka, N., B. Kuzmanović i D. Popadić: METODE I TEHNIKE SOCIJALNOPSIHOLOŠKIH ISTRAŽIVANjA, 2. IZDANjE, Društvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd 1998
  • Popadić, D.: Socijalna interakcija i komunikacija. Autorizovani tekst
  • Popadić, D. Teorije atribucije. Autorizovani tekst