
Psychology – Master’s Degree 2009
Literacy and School Curriculum
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 7.00
Pre-requisites: none

Course objectives: Understanding the educational practice of literacy development as a form of social practice and training for research of educational assumptions under which school literacy is in favour of curriculum development and student cognitive growth.

Course description: Theoretical course: Educational discourses, ideologies in discourse, ways of positioning the student and opportunities for construction of meaning. Approaches to studying of literacy. Findings about literacy as a social and educational phenomenon. Literacy and abilities. Theory and practice of literacy development in schools. Conceptual orientations and school constructs of literacy. Literacy and curriculum: the relation of power in symbolic and cultural capital distribution. Educational context as a context of literacy development. Literacy development and student subjectivity. Critical interpretations of curriculum. Standardization of achievements in institutional development of literacy and European educational policy. Practical course: Practice of introduction and description of teaching discourse, educational concepts of teachers, critical interpretation of curriculum, modelling of teaching according to goals in literacy development.

Learning Outcomes: Student is familiar with the approaches to studying literacy. Understands the limitations of institutional context for literacy development. Knows to reassess the curriculum from the literacy perspective and to research the ways of students’ subjectivity development through curriculum.

  • Ber, V. (2001), Socijalni konstrukcionizam, Beograd, Zepter Book World, 117-132.
  • Bugarski, R. (1996), Pismo, Novi Sad, Matica srpska, 119-169.
  • Mitrović, M. (2007), Standardizovanje postignuća u institucionalnom razvijanju pismenosti, Evropske dimenzije reforme sistema obrazovanja i vaspitanja, Novi Sad, Odsek za pedagogiju, FF, 297-302.
  • Mitrović, M. (2008), Neke karakteristike govornog i pisanog jezika, Pedagogija, 2, 183-191.
  • Plut, D. (2003), Udžbenik kao kulturno-potporni sistem, Beograd, Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet, 205-235.
  • Havelok, E. (1991), Muza uči da piše, Novi Sad.
  • Lee, A. (1996), Gender, Literacy, Curriculum: Re-writing school geography, London, Taylor&Francis, 214-228.
  • Gee, J. P. (1996), Social Linguistics and Literacy, London, Falmer Press, 141-148.