
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Educational Psychology
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 4
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: Fulfilled obligations defined by University Statute and Introduction to Educational Psychology exam

Course objectives: Expansion of conceptual frames of the out-of-school areas in educational psychology. Building competences in operational interpretation of educational-psychological phenomena and disposition forming for acquired knowledge application in educational practice.

Course description: Theoretical course: Psychology of creativity; Psychology of communication; Humanistic education (affective education); Theory of psychological counselling; Basic categories and mental hygiene criteria. Practical course: Creativity stimulation techniques; Components of communicative competence; Contents and methods of affective education; Mental health in schools (“hidden curriculum“)

Learning Outcomes: Student will be able: - to critically apply concepts and skills dealing with learning as the most common process of experience acquisition. - to apply techniques of modelling of learning, creativity and teaching intellectual and life skills (helping communication)

  • 1. Vizek Vidović, V., Rijavec, M., Vlahović-Štetić, V. i Miljković, D. (2014). Psihologija obrazovanja. Beograd: Klet.
  • 2. Gordon, T. (1998). Kako biti uspešan nastavnik. Beograd: Kreativni centar
  • 3. Kovač-Cerović, T., Popadić, D. i Rosandić, R. (1995). Učionica dobre volje. Beograd: Grupa Most (str. 13-21; 37-48)
  • 4. Vulfolk, A., Hjuz, M. i Volkap, V. (2015). Psihologija u obrazovanju III. Beograd: Klio.
  • 5. Stubbs, S. (2008): Inclusive education where there are few resources. The Atlas Alliance (prevedeno treće poglavlje: Šta je zaista inkluzivno obrazovanje? Koncepti i pristupi)
  • 6. Vujačić, M. (2006): Problemi i perspektive dece sa posebnim potrebama. Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja, 38/1, str. 190 – 204
  • 7. Stojić, T. i sar. (2007). Vodič za unapređenje inkluzivne obrazovne prakse. Beograd: Fond za otvoreno društvo (str. 19 – 49)
  • 8. Popadić, D. (2009) Nasilje u školama. Beograd: Institut za psihologiju i UNICEF.