
Pedagogy – Master’s Degree 2014
Family Relations and Education
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 7.00
Pre-requisites: -

Course objectives: Understanding and critical reflection of different theoretical orientations in family relations and their importance for education; training for individual scientific research of educational implications of different family interactions.

Course description: Theoretical course: Different theoretical orientations in studying family and family relations (systems theory, developmental theory, structural-functional theory, theory of symbolical interactionism, exchange theory, communication theory, conflict theory, critical theory). Changes in “family philosophy“. The basic functions of family and dynamics of family relations. Family lifestyle and education. Multidimensional perspective of family interactions. Different types and the quality of parent-child interactions. Violence in the family and problems of education. Different types of social family support in realization of educational role. Research of children’s and parents’ perception of family relations. Practical course: Practice, seminars, discussions about educational implications of different family interactions.

Learning Outcomes: Thorough knowledge of the nature, types and dynamics of family relations; understanding the assumptions which make family relations educationally optimal; realization of research in order to study the characteristics of education in the context of different family relations.

  • Bodroški Spariosu, B. (2009), Uticaj porodičnog statusa na obrazovna postignuća učenika - različiti pristupi merenja (112-123), u: Đ.Komlenović,i dr.(ur.), Kvalitet i efikasnost nastave,Beograd,IPI
  • Chibucos, R. T. Leite, R. W. (2005), Readings in Family Theory, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications (1-13, 95-97, 137-139, 183-185, 237-239, 279-281).
  • Mihić, I. (2012), Porodica kao baza sigurnosti u razvoju afektivne vezanosti (121-146) u: T. Stefanović-Stanojević i dr. (ur.), Afektivna vezanost i porodični odnosi: razvoj i značaj, Beograd:CPP
  • Sillars, A., Canary, D. J., Tafoya, M. (2004), Communication, Conflict and the Quality of Family Relationships, u: Vangelisti, A. L. (Ed.), Handbook of Family Communication, Mahwah, London, (413-446)
  • Smith, R. S., (2009), Hamon, R. R., Ingoldsby, B. B., Miller, J. E. (2009), Exploring Family Theories, New York, Oxford: Oyford University Press, (9- 22; 38-49; 64-79, 123-138, 161-174, 201-211)
  • Vangelisti, A. L. (Ed.), (2004), Handbook of Family Communication, Mahwah, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, (1-31, 269-286, 413-446)
  • White, J. M., Klein, D. M. (2008), Family Theories, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore: Sage Publications. (33-204)