
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Family Education
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: -

Course objectives: Acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the field of family education; development of knowledge and skills necessary for competent research of education in the family; training for giving professional support and helping families in achieving their educational role.

Course description: Theoretical course: Education as a family phenomenon. The subject and the areas of research in family education. Theories of family education. Education and socialization as family processes. Historical-comparative approach to family education. Different theoretical approaches to family educational programmes. Types of organizing the educational work with family. Methods and techniques in working with family. Organization of family life as an educational context. Family education models as a result of marital and parental relations. Family crisis and problems of educating children. Educational styles of parents. Models of parent-child educational relation. Practical course: Practice, seminars, discussions on the different family education questions.

Learning Outcomes: Fundamental knowledge of basic concepts of education in the family; critical review of existing theories of family education; capacity for individual research of particular variables of family education.

  • Bodroški Spariosu, B. (2010), Postupci roditelja u vaspitanju dece i njihov međugeneracijski transfer, Beograd: Filozofski fakultet (15-83)
  • Bodroški Spariosu, B. (2007), Sličnosti i razlike u vaspitnim postupcima očeva i majki prema deci istog pola, (474-479). u: Evropske dimenzije reforme sistema obrazovanja i vaspitanja, Novi Sad
  • Golubović, Z. (1981), Porodica kao ljudska zajednica, Zagreb: Napred
  • Gordon, T. (1997), Umeće roditeljstva, Beograd: Kreativni centar
  • Đorđević, B. (1985) Savremena porodica i njena vaspitna uloga, Beograd: Institut za pedagoška istraživanja.
  • Marinković L. (2012), Uloga oca u formiranju identiteta adolescenata, Novi Sad: Mediterran (9-77).
  • Medić, S., Matejić-Đuričić, Z. Vlaović-Vasiljević, D. (1977), Škola za roditelje: Socio-edukativni program za porodicu, Beograd: Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta.
  • Mihić, I. (2007), Roditeljstvo u porodicama sa adolescentom: faktori kvaliteta: Beograd: Zadužbina Andrejević (11-62).
  • Džejms, A., Praut, A. (2004), Strategije i strukture: ka novoj perspektivi u odnosu na dečja iskustva porodičnog života, u: Tomanović, S. (pr.), Sociologija detinjstva, Beograd: ZUNS, (361-374)
  • Mučibabić, M. (priredio), (2006), Porodica – kontroverze i izazovi, Beograd: Draganić.
  • Piorkovska-Petrović K. (1990), Dete u nepotpunoj porodici, Beograd: Institut za pedagoška istraživanja.
  • Todorović, J. (2005), Vaspitni stilovi roditelja i samopoštovanje adolescenata, Niš i DIGP Prosveta, (9-41)