
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Fundamentals of Pedagogy
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: -

Course objectives: Introducing students into pedagogy as a science, reviewing the particularities of pedagogical, integral study of educational phenomena; preparation of students for studying and understanding the pedagogical questions in later years of studies of pedagogy.

Course description: Theoretical course: Process of development and founding of pedagogy as a science. Different understandings of the subject of pedagogical science. Pedagogy as the integral science of education. Different concepts of scientific foundation of pedagogy (normative, empirical, hermeneutic, systematic). Methodological orientations in pedagogy. The system of scientific knowledge and pedagogical terminology. Pedagogical movement and schools. The system of scientific disciplines in pedagogy. The criteria of classification and systematization of pedagogical disciplines. Pedagogy and other social sciences (the relations between pedagogy and philosophy, pedagogy and sociology, pedagogy and psychology and pedagogy and anthropology). Practical courses: Seminars, practice and discussions on the questions of relation between the theory and the practice in different pedagogical conceptions, problems of value neutrality in pedagogy and the relation of pedagogy with other sciences.

Learning Outcomes: Having thorough knowledge of the process of founding pedagogy as a science and basic determinants of its development; understanding the need for integral study of education as the subject of pedagogical science.

  • Brecinka, V. (1990), Nauka o vaspitanju, Pedagogija, br. 2, Beograd, (193-215)
  • Dirkem, E. (1981), Vaspitanje i sociologija, Beograd: ZUNS, (33-57).
  • Kocić, Lj. (2004), Problem definisanja predmeta pedagogije i njenog razgraničenja od drugih nauka, u: Jugoslovenska pedagogija druge polovine HH veka, Užice, Učiteljski fakultet, (23-38).
  • Klafki, V. (2007), Osnove kritičko-konstruktivističke pedagogije, Pedagogija, LXII, 4,(541-549).
  • Konig, E. i Zedler, P. (2001), Teorije znanosti o odgoju, Zagreb: Educa (11-99, 183-196).
  • Mijalare, G. (1989), Uvod u edukacijske znanosti, Zagreb: Školske novine, (17-38).
  • Potkonjak, N. (1997), Teorijsko-metodološki problemi pedagogije, Beograd: Prosveta, (41-70).
  • Trnavac, N., Đorđević, J. (2007), Pedagogija, Beograd: Naučna knjiga-Komerc (63-95).