
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Systems and Programs of Early Childhood Education
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: Exam of Early Childhood Education

Course objectives: An introduction to the classical models and contemporary systems of preschool education; understanding of current trends in the development of system and programmes of preschool education; understanding of the relation between the programme as a model and as an educational practice.

Course description: Classical models of preschool education (F. Froebel’s system, M. Montessori, Waldorf system). Programmes for early compensatory education (Headstart, Sure Start). Contemporary programmes of preschool education in different countries: quality criteria of early childhood programme; internationally recognized systems and Curriculum frameworks for the quality of preschool education (Reggio Emilia - Italy, Te Whariki – New Zealand, High Scope). Contemporary systems and programmes of early childhood education in different countries: levels and dimensions of the system, trends in preschool system development; systems of early childhood education in different countries and in Serbia: (Sweden, Finland, New Zealand and Serbia). The conception of early childhood centre as an open system of education. Curriculum framework in Serbia.

Learning Outcomes: Students acquainted with the various systems and programmes of early childhood education; they are familiar with the different systems and programmes of early childhood education; they understand the theoretical and value postulates and coherence of system and programme of early childhood education; they can structurally analyse the programme and critically review different conceptions of early childhood education

  • Vujisić-Živković, N. (2007). Vaspitanje čoveka, Frebelov primer - povodom 225 godina od rođenja. Pedagogija, 62(4), 667-681.
  • Jurčić, M., Markić, I., (2011) Pedagoško-didaktička koncepcija, organizacija i praksa u Montesori školi, u: Pedagogija Marija Montesori – poticaj za razvoj pedagoškog pluralizma, znanstvena monografija, Split: Udruga Montesori pedagogije, Filozofksi fakultet, str. 167-177
  • Kamenov, E.(1982). Eksperimentalni programi za rano obrazovanje, Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, str. 7 - 43
  • Krnjaja, Ž., Pavlović – Breneselović, D. (2013) Gde stanuje kvalitet, Knjiga 1, Politika građenja kvaliteta u predsškolskom vaspitanju, Beograd: Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, str. 9-16, 27-33, 45-53, 71-78, 91-97, 137-215
  • Klemenović, J. (2009) Savremeni predškolski programi, Novi Sad: Savez pedagoških društava Vojvodine, str. 71-84
  • Marjanović, A.(1987) Dečji vrtić kao otvoreni sistem, Beograd: Predškolsko dete, 1-4, str.57 – 69
  • Matijević, M., (2011) Pedagoške ideje Marije Montesori – šansa za državne škole, u: Pedagogija Marija Montesori – poticaj za razvoj pedagoškog pluralizma, znanstvena monografija, Split: Udruga Montesori pedagogije, Filozofksi fakultet, str.11-19
  • Miškeljin, L. (2011) Diskurs jednog predškolskog programa, Beograd: Etnoantropološki problemi, br. 2 (6), stp. 513-529
  • Pešić, M., (1987) Vrednovanje predškolskih vaspitnih programa, Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, str. 26-66
  • Seitz, M., Halwach, U.(1996) Montesori ili Waldorf, Zagreb:Educa, str. 19 -114