
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Child's Play and Creativity Development
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00

Course objectives: Understanding the nature of play, creativity and its functions; Familiarization with the types of child’s plays and the ways of child’s play cultivation and creativity stimulation; Training for play monitoring, understanding and analysing the child’s creativity; Training to develop a programmes based on play and creativity.

Course description: Course description: Characteristics of play – phenotypic and structural features; Cultural origin of play: ontogenesis and phylogenesis of play. Different understandings of play: developmental and socio-cultural theory; Modern neurological research and play. Play as a right. Adult perspective about play: examples of social communities that systemic support play and creativity. Conditions for play and creativity cultivation. Play and creativity as the capacity for flexibility of children and adults. Co-authorial spaces in play: Joint play between children and adults. The formation of ethical identity in play. Classification of plays and toys: development trends of plays and toys. The relation between play and toy. Priorities of the child in play. Play, toys and digital culture. Contemporary approaches to creativity: play and creativity as a cultural reconstruction. The creative approach to education. Different types of programs based on play and creativity. The structure and elements of the programme based on play and creativity. Practical course: field research; development of the programme

Learning Outcomes: Students are familiar with different approaches of child play and creativity and understand their functions, knows how to explore and questioning the educational practice from the perspective of play; knows to support the development of creativity in education; they can develop programmes based on play and creativity.

  • Vigotski, S. L. (2005). Dečja mašta i stvaralaštvo, Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva
  • Krnjaja, Ž. (2012). Igra na ranim uzrastima u A. Baucal (ur.) Standardi za razvoj i učenje dece ranih uzrasta u Srbiji, Beograd: Institut za psihologiju/UNICEF, str. 110-132
  • Krnjaja, Ž. (2012). Kompjuterska igra kao interaktivni narativ.U: Golubović, Dragan (ur.). Tehnika i informatika u obrazovanju - Zbornik radova. Knjiga 2. Čačak: Tehnički fakultet, str. 455-460
  • Marjanović, A. (1987). Kako prepoznati i oplemeniti stvaralačku aktivnost predškolskog deteta, Predškolsko dete, 1-4, str.133- 148.
  • Marjanović, A. (1987). Savremena shvatanja o stvaralaštvu, Predškolsko dete, 1-4, str.113- 131
  • Marjanović, A., Stvaralaštvo, igra i vaspitanje predškolskog deteta, Predškolsko dete, 1979, 1-2, str. 3-31
  • Edmiston,B.(2008). Forming Ethical Identities in Early Childhood Play.London:Routledge
  • Moyles,J.(2005).The exelellence of Play.London:Open University Press