
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Sociology of social deviance-crime
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 4
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Students should possess knowledge in Introduction to Sociology 1. Students should also be able to read materials in a foreign language.

Course objectives: The goal of this course is for students to become familiar with the theories of deviant behavior and manifestations of socially unacceptable behaviors, methods and the types of its control.

Course description: During the course students are familiarized with the most important issues related to criminal behavior and its social control.Along with examining the theoretical and methodological aspects of crime and delinquency, these issues will also be detailed from several dimensions: phenomenological, etiological and victimological. Formal and informal types of social control will be examined, including comparing local to global experiences and responses to crime.

Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, students will be able to independently study and empirically examine the sociological aspects of crime and the mechanisms of control(formal and informal)related to the above-mentioned theories and ideas on social deviance.

  • Ignjatović Đ. (2007): Kriminologija, (8 izdanje), Beograd, Službeni glasnik
  • Ignjatović Đ. (2006): Kriminološko nasleđe, (3 izdanje), Beograd, Službeni glasnik
  • Špadijer-Džinić J. (1988): Socijalna patologija, Beograd, Zavod ѕa udžbenike i nastavna sredstva
  • Ancel M. (1991): Društvena odbrana,Beograd, Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
  • Ignjatović Đ. (1998): Organizovani kriminalitet (prva i druga knjiga), Beograd, Policijska akademija
  • Stojanović S. (1991): Politika suzbijanja kriminaliteta, Novi Sad, Pravni fakultet
  • Felson M. (1994): Crime and everyday life-insight and implications for society, Thousand Oaks Gaines
  • L. LeRoy Miller R. (2003): Criminal justice in action, Belmont
  • Milovanovic D. (2003): Introduction to the sociology of law, Monsey
  • Shur E.(1969): Our criminal society, Englawood Cliffs White
  • R. Habibis D. (2005): Crime and society, Oxford
  • Cressey D., Ward D. (1969): Delinquency, Crime and social process, New York
  • Fuko M. (1997): Nadzirati i kažnjavati, Sremski Karlovci, Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića
  • Zvekić U. (2003): Žrtve kriminala u zemljama u tranziciji, Beograd, Viktimološko društvo Srbije