
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Media and Education
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: /

Course objectives: Acquisition of the basic knowledge and skills for educational work on improving the culture of communication and the use of media in education of children and adolescents.

Course description: Theoretical course: Communication, mass communication and education. Semiotic and linguistic relevance of communication (sign, meaning, codes, information, message and knowledge). Nonverbal communication and presentative codes. Language and the culture of speaking. Language and the culture of writing. Development of writing and spreading of literacy. Verbal and nonverbal communication skills in children. Media and media education conceptions. Media-educational animation. Children and adolescents as the audience being educated. Educational function of journalists. Ambivalent character of the use of media. Practical course: Didactic-methodological particularities of the use of media in education of children. Distance education and e-learning. Electronic classrooms and methodological work requirements. Media and computer literacy. Internet and virtual education of adults. Virtual universities, electronic catalogues, databases etc. Development of online learning. Theoretical basis of e-learning in online environment. Forms of transmission of knowledge and interactions in electronically supported courses. Online educational skills.

Learning Outcomes: Student knows and has the skills to apply communication modalities (oral, written and electronic) and media in education. He can recognize, select and recommend adequate communication strategies and skills in concrete educational situation; he can design distance learning process.

  • Brigs, A. (2005) Uvod u studije medija, Klio, Beograd
  • Zindović-Vukadinović, G. (1994) Vizuelni jezik medija, Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
  • Janićijević, J.(2000) Komunikacija i kultura, Izdavačka knjižarnica Z.S., Novi Sad
  • Kačavenda Radić, N. (2007) Komunikacija i mediji – andragoško interesovanje, Obrazovanje odraslih za ekonomiju znanja, Hrv.andr. društvo, Zagreb
  • Komunikacija i mediji, (2004) Učiteljski fakultet, Jagodina
  • Lorimer, L.(1998) Masovne komunikacije, Klio, Beograd
  • Mandić, P. Mandić, D. (1997) Obrazovna informaciona tehnologija, Učiteljski fakultet, Beograd
  • Obrazovanje i masovne komunikacije (1993), MPRS, Beograd
  • Radojković, M., Miletić, M., (2005) Komuniciranje, mediji i društvo, Stilos, Novi Sad