
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Management in Education
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: There are no particular requirements for attending this course.

Course objectives: Acquisition of the knowledge about the function and determinants of the process and the system management and directing in education and training for understanding the importance of building and implementation process of educational policy.

Course description: Theoretical course: Management and directing in education, educational policy and school legislation: conceptual determination. The elements of management system in education, levels and types of management in education. Determinants of educational policy development. Building and implementation of educational policy, indicators of developed educational policy. Carriers of the strategic planning and management process in education. The structure and the function of the state authorities in charge of education. Basic functions, strategies and styles of management of educational institutions. Building the capacities for management and directing in education. The competences of managers in education. Procedures, ways and participants of the process of making the legislative and programme documents in the field of education. The content and the structure of the legislative and programme documents in the field of education. Practical course: Getting insight into the practice of work and functioning of different institutions and organs in the management system in education.

Learning Outcomes: Students should have the knowledge about the nature and the function of the system of management and directing in education and the building and implementation process of educational policy.

  • Despotović, M. (1991): Radna sredina i obrazovanje, Beograd: Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju.
  • Havelka, N. (1996): Psihologija međuljudskih odnosa u obrazovanju, Beograd: Centar za usavršavanje rukovodilaca u obrazovanju.
  • Kvalitetno obrazovanje za sve - izazovi reforme obrazovanja u Srbiji (2004), Beograd: Ministarstvo prosvete i sporta.
  • Legrand, L. (1993): Obrazovne politike, Zagreb: Educa.
  • Educational Policy Analysis (2003), Paris: OECD.
  • Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators (2004), Paris: OECD.