Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Political anthropology
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 6
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Students must have completed the registration requirements for that year.

Course objectives: Students are expected to adopt a modern view of political anthropology, which contributes to a more balanced understanding of the dynamics of political life in view of transition, globalization, dissolution of state sovereignty and supranational integration.

Course description: The first comprehensive theoretical lecture unit includes: positioning political anthropology in the political sciences, political systems of pre-industrial societies, development of the state; segmented tribal organization and political significance of the territory, social stratification, kinship, gender and power, power of rituals and dramaturgy of power, political alliances and the war in tribal societies. Practical learning through workshops include: the discovery of the new world and the beginnings of colonialism, orientalism and nationalism; Post-colonialism logic of cultural renewal. In other topics, theoretical training shall include: assessments of a modern state, government, systems and regimes, political ideology, political culture and traditions, culture wars, political communication, social memory and oblivion, contemporary political myths, the political symbolism and political rituals. Practical learning through workshops include: problems of democratic transition and consolidation, the political change in the light of everyday life, European integration.

Learning Outcomes: Identification, proper examination and successful explanation of problems using scientific theories and methods related to the science of politics. Mastering the ability of tolerant debate on social issues. Advancement of critically-minded and responsible citizens.

  • M. Abeles, Antropologija države, XX vek, Beograd, 2001.
  • Ž. Balandije, Politička antropologija, XX vek, Beograd, 1997.
  • E. Hejvud, Politika, Clio, Beograd, 2004.
  • T. Luelen, Uvod u političku antropologiju, Gradac, Čačak-Beograd, 2001.
  • Č. Čupić (ur.), Politička antropologija. Hrestomatija, Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 2002.
  • J. Vincent, Anthropology and Politics: Visions, Traditions, and Trends, University of Arizona Press, 1994.
  • S. Naumović: “Ustaj seljo, ustaj rode: Simbolika seljaštva i politička komunikacija u novijoj istoriji Srbije”, Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju, Godina II, Sveska 1, 1995, 39-63.
  • S. Naumović: “Instrumentalised Tradition: Traditionalist Rhetoric, Nationalism and Political Transition in Serbia, 1987-1990”, u: Miroslav Jovanović, Karl Kaser, Slobodan Naumović (Eds.
  • C. Offe: “Capitalism by Democratic Design? Democratic Theory Facing the Triple Transition in East Central Europe”, u: isti, Varieties of Transition. The East European and East German Experience, Cambr
  • H. Linc, A. Stepan: “Predgovor”, “Demokratija i njene arene”, “Postkomunistička Evropa: zaključna uporedna razmišljanja”, u: isti, Demokratska tranzicija i konsolidacija, Filip Viš
  • L. Holy: “Self-stereotypes and national traditions”, The Little Czech and the Great Czech Nation. National identity and the post-communist social transformation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • J. Friedman: “Transnationalisation, Socio-Political Disorder, and Ethnification as Expressions of Declining Global Hegemony”, J. Vincent, ed., The Anthropology of Politics, Blackwell Publishing, 2002,
  • G. Đerić, “Kolektivno predstavljanje u diskursima nacionalizma i kosmopolitizma”, u: ista, Pr(a)vo lice množine. Kolektivno samopoimanje i predstavljanje: mitovi, karakteri, mentalne ma
  • E.E. Evans-Pričard: “Nuersko političko uređenje”, u: isti, Socijalna antropologija, Prosveta, Beograd, 307-383.
  • V. Tarner: “Društvene drame i obredne metafore”, Gradina 5-6, 1983, 24-50.
  • J. Đorđević, Političke svetkovine i rituali, Dosije/Signature, Beograd, 1997.
  • G. Olmond: “Političko istraživanje kulture – osvrt i prikaz”, Treći program, Leto-jesen, 1990, 63-75.
  • K. Đordano: “Prošlost u sadašnjosti. Politika vremena u evropskim društvima” i “Mobilisana istorija u mediteranskim društvima”, u: isti, Ogledi o interkulturnoj komunikaciji,
  • M. Matić: “Mit (politički) ”, u: M. Matić (gl. red.), Enciklopedija političke kulture, Savremena administracija, Beograd, 1993, 673-684.
  • H. Hofbauer: “Priprema Istočne Evrope za ulogu periferije EU”, “Srbija u čekaonici EU”, u: isti, Proširenje EU na Istok. Od Drang nach Osten do periferije EU integracije, FilipVišn
  • G.Almond: “The Intellectual History of the Civic Culture Concept”, G. Almond and S. Verba, (eds.), The Civic Culture Revisited, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, 1989, 1-36.
  • M. Matić: “Obeležja srpske političke tradicije”, u: isti, O srpskom političkom obrascu, Službeni list/Institut za političke nauke, Beograd, 2000, 15-106.
  • P. Bourdieu: “Opisivanje i propisivanje: uvjeti ostvarljivosti političke djelotvornosti i njezine granice”, u: isti, Što znači govoriti. Ekonomija jezičkih razmena, Naprijed, Zagre
  • T. Bottomore: “Politička sociologija”, u: isti, Politička sociologija, Kulturno-prosvjetni sabor Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1987, 33-46.
  • M. Gluckman: “Stateless Societies and the Maintenance of Order” i “The State and Civil Strife”, u: isti, Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1965, 81-122, 123-168.
  • R. W. Nicholas: “Segmentary Factional Political Systems”, M. J. Swartz, V.W. Turner and A. Tuden (eds.), Political Anthropology, Aldine Publishing Group, Chicago, 1966, 49-59.
  • N. Šanon: “Politički savezi, trgovina i gozbe” i “Ratovanje Janomame”, u: isti, Janomame. Okrutni narod, Svetovi, Novi Sad, 1992, 171-233.
  • V. Turner: “Symbols in African Ritual”, J. L. Dolgin, D.S. Kemnitzer, and D.M. Schneider (eds.), Symbolic Anthropology. A Reader in the Study of Symbols and Meanings, Columbia University Press, New Yo
  • A. Cohen: “Introduction: The Power Mystique” i “Conclusion: Universalism and Particularism in Elite Organization”, u: isti, The Politics of Elite Culture. Explorations in the Dramturgy of Power in a M
  • M. Miterauer: Milenijumi i druge jubilarne godine, Udruženje za društvenu istoriju, Beograd, 2003.
  • M. J. Swartz, V.W. Turner and A. Tuden (eds.): “Introduction”, u: isti, Political Anthropology, Aldine Publishing Group, Chicago, 1966, 1-41.
  • B. Anzulovic: “Dinaric Highlanders and their Songs”, u: isti, Heavenly Serbia. From Myth to Genocide, Hurst, London, 45-67.
  • A. Cohen: “Political man-symbolist man” i “Symbolic strategies in group organization”, u: isti, Two-Dimensional Man. An Essay on the anthropology of power and symbolism in complex society, Routledge &
  • C. Riviere: “Types d’organisation politique”, u: isti, Anthropologie politique, Armand Colin, Paris, 2000, 52-71.
  • S. Antonić: “Politička kultura stanovništva u Miloševićevoj Srbiji”, Zarobljena zemlja. Srbija za vlade Slobodana Miloševića, Otkrovenje, Beograd, 2002, 62-81.
  • M. Podunavac: “Politički proces”, u: M. Matić (gl. red.), Enciklopedija političke kulture, Savremena administracija, Beograd, 1993, 858-864.
  • M. Abeles: “Political anthropology: new challenges, new aims”, International Social Science Journal, 153/1997, 319-332.
  • J. B. Allcock: “Violence in South Slav Society”, u: isti, Explaining Yugoslavia, Hurst, London, 2000, 381-410.
  • K. Rot: “Pripovedanje u svakodnevici socijalizma. O strategijama savladavanja svakodnevnog života u jugoistočnoj Evropi”, u: isti, Slike u glavama, XX vek, Beograd, 2000, 63-84.
  • K. Verdery: “What Was Socialism, and Why Did it Fall?”, u: ista, What Was Socialism, and What Comes Next?, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1996, 19-38.
  • R. Ivanova: “Put ka demokratiji: prostorne dimenzije masovnih političkih protesta”, u: ista, Zbogom dinosaurusi, dobrodošli krokodili, XX vek, Beograd, 2000, 17-37.
  • K. Rot: “Praznici i rituali u socijalističkoj Bugarskoj”, u: isti, Slike u glavama, XX vek, Beograd, 2000, 85-112.
  • K. Đordano: “Prošlost u sadašnjosti. Politika vremena u evropskim društvima” i “Mobilisana istorija u mediteranskim društvima”, u: isti, Ogledi o interkulturnoj komunikaciji,
  • P. Connerton: “Commemorative ceremonies”, u: isti, How Societies Remember, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 41-71, (odnosno odgovarajuće poglavlje u srpskom prevodu knjige).
  • S. Naumović: The Social Origins and Political Uses of Popular Narratives on Serbian Disunity, Filozofija i društvo XXVI, 2005, 65-104.
  • M. Živković: Serbian Stories of Identity and Destiny in the 1980s and 1990s, Ph. D. Dissertation, Dept. of Anthropology, Chicago University, 2001 (poglavlje po izboru).
  • N. Ries: “The World of Russian Talk in the Time of Perestroika”, u: ista, Russian Talk. Culture and Conversation during Perestroika, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1997, 15-41.
  • J. Elster, C. Offe, U.K. Preuss,, “Introduction: agenda, agency, and the aims of Central East European transitions”, u: isti, Institutional Design in Post-communist Societies. Rebuilding the Sh
  • I. Berend: “Ekonomski pad – politički izazov – rastući nacionalizam”, Centralna i istočna Evropa 1944-1993. Iz periferije zaobilaznim putem nazad u periferiju, CID, Podgorica, 2001, 391
  • M. Prošić-Dvornić: “Enough – Student Protest ’92: The Youth of Belgrade in Quest of ‘Another Serbia’”, The Anthropology of East-Europe Review, Special Issue: War Among the Yugoslavs (ed
  • M. Prošić-Dvornić: “The Topsy Turvy Days Were There Again. Student and Civil Protest in Belgrade and Serbia, 1996/1997”, The Anthropology of East Europe Review, Volume 16, Number 1, spr
  • V. Tismaneanu: “Introduction. After Marx: the Return of Political Myth” i “Vindicative and Messianic Mythologies: Post-Communist Nationalism and Populism”, u: isti, Fantasies of Salvation, Princeton U
  • M. R. Beissinger: “From the impossible to the inevitable”, “Conclusion: nationhood and event”, Nationalist Mobilization and the Collapse of the Soviet State, Cambridge University Press, 2002, 1-47, 44
  • K. Verdery: “Introduction: Corpses on the Move”, “One: Dead Bodies Animate the Study of Politics”, u: ista, The Political Lives of Dead Bodies. Reburial and Postsocialist Change, New York, 1999, 1-53.
  • P. Nora: “L’ére de la commémoration”, in Nora, Piere, ed. Les lieux de mémoire III, Les France, 3. De l’archive à l’emblème, Paris : Gallimard, 1992, 977-1012.
  • C. Lane: “Part I. The theory and organization of ritual”, “Conclusion: ritual in modern society – a comparative analysis”, u: ista, The Rites of Rulers. Ritual in Industrial Society – The Soviet Case,
  • M. Prošić-Dvornić: “Apocalyptic Thought and Serbian Identity: Mythology, Fundamentalism, Astrology, and Soothsaying as Part of Political Propaganda”, Ethnologia Balkanica, Vol. 4, 2000,
  • I. Bellier, T.M. Wilson, Eds., An Anthropology of the European Union: Building, Imagining and Experiencing the New Europe, Berg, New York, 2000.
  • J. Gledhill: “Anthropology and Politics: Commitment, Responsibility and the Academy”, u: J. Vincent, ed., The Anthropology of Politics, Blackwell Publishing, 2002, 438-451.
  • Đ. Pavićević: “Javnost”, u: Đ. Vukadinović, P.Krstić, ur., Kritički pojmovnik civilnog društva, Grupa 484, Beograd, 2003, 139-180.
  • K. Đordano: “Prošlost u sadašnjosti. Politika vremena u evropskim društvima” i “Mobilisana istorija u mediteranskim društvima”, u: isti, Ogledi o interkulturnoj komunikaciji,
  • S. Naumović, "Otpor! kao postmoderni Faust: društveni pokret novog tipa, tradicija prosvećenog reformizma i izborna revolucija u Srbiji", Filozofija i društvo 3, 2006, 147-194.
  • S. Naumović, "Da li je Faust bio Otporaš?...", Filozofija i društvo 3, 2007, 117-145.
  • M. Bongran, Politički marketing, Plato/XX vek, Beograd, 1998.
  • L. Gori, Evropska unija i Zapadni Balkan. Evropska perspektiva regiona (1996-2007), Hesperiaedu, Beograd, 2007.
  • S. Naumović, "Brief Encounters, Dangerous Liaisons and Never-Ending Stories...", in V. Mihailescu, I. Iliev, S. Naumovic, Eds., Studying Peoples in the People’s Democracies, Lit, 2008, 211-
  • A. Zaharijević i P. Šarčević, "Pojmovnik postkolonijalne teorije", Teme 4, Niš, 2005, 481-547.
  • S. Taylor, "Symbol and Ritual under National Socialism", The British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Dec., 1981), 504-520.
  • A. Cohen, "Political Symbolism", Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 8 (1979), 87-113.
  • S. Naumović, ’Balkanski kasapi’ - mitovi i pogrešne predstave o raspadu Jugoslavije, Nova srpska politička misao, vol. 6, 1999, br. 1-2, 57-77.
  • A. Beard, The Language of Politics, Routledge, London, 2000.
  • M. Sahlins Prvobitno društvo blagostanja. Esej o ekonomiji lovaca-sakupljača, Anarhija-Blok 45, Beograd, 2002.
  • R. Jenkins, Social Identity, Routledge, London and New York, 1996, 19-28, 68-154.
  • H. Tajfel, "Intergroup Conflict", in: Human Groups and Social Categories, cambridge University Press, cambridge, 1981, 223-343.
  • I. Spasić, "Sećanje na nedavnu prošlost", u: Z. Golubović, I. Spasić, Đ. Pavićević, ur., Politika i svakodnevni život, InSTIFDT, Beograd, 2003, 99-139.
  • M. Popović, "Vidovdanski kult", u: isti, Vidovdan i časni krst, Slovo Ljubve, Beograd, 1976, 117-133.
  • D. Popović, Pod okriljem svetosti. Kult svetih vladara i relikvija u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, balkanološki institut SANU, Beograd, 2006, 205-317.
  • P. Marković, "Komparativna iskustva raspada državau 20. veku",
  • G. Đerić, ur., Intima javnosti. Okviri predstavljanja, narativni obrasci, strategije i stereotipi konstruisanja Drugosti..., Fabrika knjiga/InSTIFDT, Beograd, 2008, 64-97, 334-369.
  • Hejden, Robert M., Skice za podeljenu kuću. Ustavna logika jugoslovenskih sukoba, Samizdat B92, Beograd 2003.
  • R. Patnam, Kuglati sam. Slom i obnova američke zajednice, Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2008.
  • V. Pavlović, Društveni pokreti i promene, Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2006.
  • U. H. Majnhof i A. Trandafilidu, ur., Transkulturna Evropa. Kulturna politika u Evropi koja se menja, Clio, Beograd, 2008.
  • O. A. Vestad, Globalni hladni rat, Arhipelag, Beograd, 2008.
  • K. Maze, Bezgranična zabava. Uspon masovne kulture 1850-1970, Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2008.
  • A. Semprini, Multikulturalizam, Clio, Beograd, 2004.
  • K. Kincel, Verski fundamentalizam, Clio, Beograd, 2002.
  • E. Keduri, Nacionalizam, CID, Podgorica, 2000.
  • U. Beck, Moć protiv moći u doba globalizacije. Nova svjetskopolitička ekonomija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2004.
  • P. L. Berger i dr., Desekularizacija sveta. Preporod religije i svetska politika, Mediterran, Novi Sad, 2008.