Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
National ethnology / anthropology - Body and Identity
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: No specific requirements

Course objectives: Introducing the customs through which the body and bodily experience are intertwined with the social, cultural, historical and political processes in this region, becoming, thus, its inherent part.

Course description: The question of how different cultures use and perceive the human body, bodily substance and body parts are present in anthropology for a number of years. But it is only in recent decades that the analysis of the body and sexuality has emerged as one of the key research fields within the discipline. The questions of the relations between body and identity, the use of the body in the construction of identity and the establishment of social distinction, are given a prominent place in the structure of different theoretical approaches and paradigms. During the course students will be familiarized with the fundamental theoretical problems and orientations in this field of research.

Learning Outcomes: Mastering the different theoretical approaches in the study of the physical body and the examples of different historical, social and political context of Serbian society.

  • Dž. D. Delamater i Dž. Šibli Hajd, Esencijalizam nasuprot socijalnom konstruktivizmu u proučavanju ljudske seksualnosti, Reč, N° 67/13, septembar 2002, 203-218.
  • KWoodward, (ed.), IdentityandDifference, SAGEPublicationsinassociationwiththeOpenUniversity, London, 1997, 28-48; 73-87; 93-103.
  • A. Zaharijević, Gde je politika u politici identiteta? dostupno na:
  • Z. Ivanović, P. Šarčević, O statusu tela u antropologiji, Kultura, br. 105/106, Beograd, 2003, 9-24.
  • Ž. Papić, Telo kao proces u toku, U: Žarana Papić. Tekstovi (1977-2002), ( ur.) A. Zaharijević, Z. Ivanović, D. Duhaček, Centar za studije roda i politike FPN, Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond, Žene u crnom, Beograd, 2012, 149-177.
  • H. L.Moor, The divisions within: sex, gender and sexual difference, In: H. L. Moor, A Passion for Difference. Essays in Anthropology and Gender, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1994, 8-27.
  • E. D. Dreger, "Neoređenipol" iliambivalentnamedicina, Kultura,br.105/106, 2003, 147-169.
  • M. Morgan-Holms, Čudno skrojena tela, Kultura,br.105/106, 2003, 170-182.
  • P.Šarčević, SexandGenderIdentityof «SwornVirgins» intheBalkans, u: M. Jovanović, S. Naumović, GenderRelationsinSouthEasternEurope:HistoricalPerspectivesonWomanhoodandManhoodinXIXandXXCentury,Belgade-Gratz, 2002, 125-143.
  • Z. Ivanović, Fragmenti iz svakodnevnog života gej muškaraca i lezbejki u savremenoj Srbiji, U: Jelisaveta Blagojević i Olga Dimitrijević (ur.), Među nama. Neispričane priče gej i lezbejskih života, Hartefakt Fond, Beograd, 2014,117-129.
  • Fuko, Istorija seksualnosti. Volja za znanjem, Prosveta, Beograd, 1978, 7-20;51-97.
  • M. Fuko, Poredak diskursa. (Pristupno predavanje na Collège de France, 1970.), Karpus, Beograd, 2007.
  • S. Greenhalgh, Globalisation and Population Governance in China, In: Aihawa Ong and Stephen J. Collier )eds.), Global Assemblages. Technology, Politics and Ethics as Anthropological Problems, Blackwell Publishing, 2005, 354-372.
  • P. Rabinow and N. Rose, Biopower Today, Biosocieties, Vol. 1, Issue 02, 2006, 195 – 217.
  • N. Rose and C. Novas, Biological Citizenship, In: Aihawa Ong and Stephen J. Collier (eds.), Global Assemblages. Technology, Politics and Ethics as Anthropological Problems, Blackwell Publishing, 2005, 439-465.
  • D. Heath, R. Rapp and K. Tausing, Genetic Citizenship, u: D. Nugent and J. Vinsent (eds.), A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics, Blackwell Publishing, 2007, 152-167.
  • Tratnik, Polona (2012), Bios-techne. The Biotechnological Politics of the Body and the Politics of Life, Antropologija, Tematski broj Telo, (bio)tehnologije, moć, 12, sv. 2, 2012, 17-30.
  • M. Calloni, Women’s Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Biopolitics in Europe, u: G. Griffin and R. Braidotti (eds.), Thinking Differently. A Reader in European Women’s Studies, Zed Books, London and New York, 2002, 63-79.
  • Z. Ivanović, Telo i nacizam. Od rasističkih fantazija do Aušvica, U: Katalog izložbe Poslednje odredište Aušvic, Istorijski muzej Srbije, Beograd, 2015.
  • M. Lock, Cultivating the Body: Anthropology and Epistemologies of Bodily Practice and Knowledge, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 22, 1993, 133-155
  • J. Jackson, Chroinic pain and the tension between the body as subject and object, u :T.J. Chordas, Embodiment and experience. The existential ground of body and self, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, 201-228.
  • M. Wolf, Influenca and the concept of infection: reflections on bodily boundaries, Antropologija, Tematski broj Telo, (bio)tehnologije, moć, 12, sv. 2, 2012, 107-121.
  • S. Benson, Faulty Selves, Imperfect Bodies: Impairment, Disability and Aids, u: K. Woodward (ed.), Identity and Difference, Sage Publications in association with the Open University, London, 1997, 150-160.
  • D. Lupton, Tijelo u medicini, Treća. Časopis za ženske studije, br.1, vol. IV, Zagreb, 2002, 170-190.
  • C. Shilling, TheBodyandPhisycalCapital, u: K. Woodward, (ed.), IdentityandDifference,SagePublicationsinassociationswithOpenUniversity, London, 1997, 88-93.
  • N. Scheper-Huges, The Global Traffic in Human Organs, Current Anthropology, Vol. 41, no.2, April 2000, 191-224.
  • L. A. Sharp, TheComodification ot the Body and its Parts, Annual Review of Anthropology 29, 2000, 287-328.
  • N. Schepper-Hughes, TheLast Commodity: Post-Human Ethics and the Gobal Traffic in “Fresh” Organs, In: In: Aihawa Ong and Stephen J. Collier (eds.), Global Assemblages. Technology, Politics and Ethics as Anthropological Problems, Blackwell Publishing, 2005, 145-167.
  • E. Ohniki-Tierney, Brain Death and Organ Transplatation. Cultural Bases of Medical Technology, Current Anthropology, Vol. 35, No.3, June 1994, 233-254.
  • N. Yival-Davis, Rodinacija, Ženskainfoteka, Zagreb, 2004 (uvod ili poglavljepoizboru)
  • A. Stolić, Rodni odnosi u "carstvu podeljenih sfera", U: A. Stolić, N. Makuljeić (ur.), Privatni život kod Srba u devetnaestom veku, Klio, Beograd, 2006, 89-112.
  • R. Drezgić, D. Žarkov, Feminističke nevolje s Balkanom, Sociologija, Vol. XLVII, Nº 4, 2005.
  • D. Žarkov, Tijelo drugoga ili seksualno nasilje i tvorba maskuliniteta, seksualnosti i etniciteta u hrvatskim medijima, Treća, Vol. IV, br. 1, Zagreb, 2002, 122-133.
  • R. Drezgić, „Bela kuga“ među „Srbima“. O naciji, rodu i rađanju na prelazu vekova, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd, 2010. (poglavlje po izboru)
  • C. D. Murray; J. Sixsmith, The Corporeal Body in Virtual Reality, Ethos, Vol. 27, Nº 3, 1999, 315-343.
  • L. Green, The Internet. An Introduction to New Media, Berg, Oxford, New York, 2010, 99-119; 119-138.
  • O’Rioran, Tehnologized bodies: virtual women and transformations in understandins of the body as natural, u: J. Hargraves and P. Vertinsky (eds.), Introduction, u: Physical Culture, Power, and the Bod
  • A. Allison, Bursting Borders and Bodies with Queer Machines, Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 16, No.2, 2001, 237-265.
  • J. Gonzales, Zamišljajući tijelo kiborga, Treća, Časopis Centra za ženske studije, br.1, Vol. IV, Zagreb, 2002, 298-312.
  • I. Greguric, Era kiborga – stvaranje ″djelimičnih ili potpuno umjetnih bića″, Antropologija, tematski broj Telo, (bio)tehnologije, moć, 12, sv. 2, 2012, 31-41.
  • S. Žakula, Da li kiborzi sanjaju biomehaničke ovce. Telo i hiperrealnost, Antropologija, tematski broj Telo, (bio)tehnologije, moć1, 12, sv. 2, 2012, 43-61.
  • V. Mitrović, Liberalna eugenika: ideologija poboljšanja?, Antropologija, tematski broj Telo, (bio)tehnologije, moć, 12, sv. 2, 2012, 63-79.
  • R. Drezgić,On Feminist Engagements with Bioethics.Filozofija i društvo. Vol. XXIII (4). 2012, 19-31.