Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Master’s Degree 2014
Urban and gender studies
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: No preconditions

Course objectives: Urban studies and gender are two important aspects / angles of observation and research of modern anthropology and therefore the training of students to master this analytical research is one of the fundamental aims in the study of anthropology.

Course description: Urban Studies - multifaceted study of the city. The concept of the city and urban space. Exposure of the city. The use of the city. City and town events. Gender Studies - Gender and race. Gender Studies - Gender aspect of the modern world. Sex, Gender and Reproduction. There is no practical training.

Learning Outcomes: Anthropologist skilled in the practice of urban research and gender studies has the possibility of both researching and actively participating in the contemporary society.

  • B.Žikić,Neukroćena ’’goropad’’: upravljanje reprodukcijom kao kulturna praksa, Etnoantropološki problemi N.s. god. 3 sv. 1, 2008, 143-157
  • I.Kovačević,Urbani rituali, Kultura,52.Beograd, 1982.
  • I.Erdei,Simbolička topografija Pančeva, u B.Mrvoš (ur.),Arhitektura i urbanizam Pančeva, Sveske,, Pančevo,1994. 41-52.
  • Z.Ivanović,.“Antropologija žene” i pitanje rodnih odnosa u izmenjenom diskursu antropologije, u Ž. Papić, L. Sklevicky (ur.),Antropologija žene, drugo izdanje, Beograd,2003,38
  • Z.Ivanović,O statusu tela u antropologiji, Kultura, br. 105/106, Beograd, 2002, 9-26.
  • B.Žikić,Kognitivne "priče za dečake" : urbani folklor i urbana topografija. Etnoantropol. probl., 2007, god. 2, sv. 1, str. 73-107.
  • Matthew C. Gutmann (1997), Trafficking in Men: The Anthropology of Masculinity, Annual Review of Anthropology 26, 385-409
  • Alan Petersen (2003), Research on Men and Masculinities. Some Implications of Recent Theory for Future Work, Men and Masculinities, Vol. 6 No. 1, 54-69
  • Richard Schmitt (2001), Proud to Be a Man?, Men and Masculinities Vol. 3 No. 4, 393-404
  • David Lowenthal,The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History,Cambridge University Press,1998,1-54;Marina Simić,Izlaganje narodnosti kao tradicionalne kulture... u:Lj.Gavrilović,M.Stojanovi
  • Russel Belk, Collecting in a Consumer Society, Routledge,2001,1-21; 139-158.
  • Hollander, A. 1994. Sex and Suits. The Evolution of Modern Dress. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
  • Buckley, C. and H. Fawcett. 2002. Fashioning the Feminine. Representation and Women’s Fashion from Fin de Siecle to the Present. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Guy, A. Green, E. and M. Banim (eds.) 2001. Through the Wardrobe. Women’s Relationships with Their Clothes. Oxford: Berg.
  • Holland, S. 2004. Alternative Femininities. Body, Age and Identity. Oxford: Berg.
  • S. Kovač. Na životnim raskrsnicama: predstave Beograđana o svojoj starosti. Etnoantropološki problemi n.s. god. 5, sv. 3, 2010, 57-74.
  • G. Gorunović. Telo, (ne)moć i tekst: antropološka autotanatografija Roberta F. Merfija. Anrtropologija sv. 3, 2012, 183-211.
  • Kay Alexander (1992), Roots of the New Age, in: James R. Lewis, J. Gordon Melton (eds.), Perspectives on New Age, State University of New York Press, Albany, 30-48.
  • James R. Lewis (1992), Approaches to the Study of the New Age Movement, in: James R. Lewis, J. Gordon Melton (eds.), Perspectives on New Age, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1-13.
  • J. Gordon Melton (1992), New Thought and the New Age, in: James R. Lewis, J. Gordon Melton (eds.), Perspectives on New Age, State University of New York Press, Albany, 15-30.
  • Paul Heelas (1999), Prosperity and the New Age Movement. The efficacy of spiritual economics, in: Bryan Wylson, Jamie Cresswell (eds.), New Religious Movements: Challenge and Response, Routledge, NY,
  • Vesna Vučinić-Nešković. 1999. Prostorno ponašanje u Dubrovniku. Beograd, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu.
  • V. Vucinic-Neskovic and J. Miloradovic, 2006. Corso as a Total Social Phenomenon: The Case of Smederevska Palanka, Serbia", Ethnologia Balkanica 10, Lit Verlag, Münster: 229-251.