Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
National ethnology / anthropology - Body and Identity
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: No specific requirements

Course objectives: Introducing the customs through which the body and bodily experience are intertwined with the social, cultural, historical and political processes in this region, becoming, thus, its inherent part.

Course description: The question of how different cultures use and perceive the human body, bodily substance and body parts are present in anthropology for a number of years. But it is only in recent decades that the analysis of the body and sexuality has emerged as one of the key research fields within the discipline. The questions of the relations between body and identity, the use of the body in the construction of identity and the establishment of social distinction, are given a prominent place in the structure of different theoretical approaches and paradigms. During the course students will be familiarized with the fundamental theoretical problems and orientations in this field of research.

Learning Outcomes: Mastering the different theoretical approaches in the study of the physical body and the examples of different historical, social and political context of Serbian society.

  • Z. Ivanović, P. Šarčević, O statusu tela u antropologiji, Kultura, br.105/106, Beograd, 2003, 9-24.
  • 1. E. D. Dreger, "Neoređeni pol" ili ambivalentna medicina, Kultura, br.105/106, Beograd, 2003, 147-169.
  • A. Fostikov, Žena između vrline i greha, u: S. Marjanović-Dušanić, D. Popović (ur.), Privatni život u srpskim zemljama srednjeg veka, Klio, Beograd, 2004, 323-362
  • 5. B. Denich, Spol i moć na Balkanu, Etnološki pregled 22, Beograd, 1986, 83-98 5. T. Đorđević, O srpskim ženama, Srpski književni glasnik, knj. 2, Beograd, 1912, 188-196; 285-294 6. T. Đorđ
  • M.Fuko, Istorija seksualnosti. Volja za znanjem, Prosveta, Beograd, 1978, 1-46; 71-97.
  • 1. A. Vasiljević, Odnošaji između fizičkih osobina rase i pola, Glasnik srpskog učenog društva, knj. 55, Beograd, 1884, 55-91.
  • -npr. popularni psihijatrijski diskurs : J. Marić, Ko smo mi Srbi, Barex, Beograd, 1998. ; J. Toševski, Muškarac i žena – bazične neutralne razlike, u: B. Jovanović (ur.), Muškarac i žena, Gutembergov
  • J. Chordas (ed.), Embodiment and experience. The existential ground of body and self, Cambridge University Press, 1994, 27 - 48.
  • 1. G. Herd, Treći pol i treći rod, Kultura, br.105/106, Beograd, 2003, 63-132.
  • Dž. Batler, Tela koja nešto znače, O diskuzivnim granicama "pola", Samizdat B-92, Beograd, 2001, 1-23
  • 1.S. Bojanin, Ples prerušenih, u: S. Bojanin, Zabave i svetkovine u srednjevekovnoj Srbiji, Istorijski institut, Beograd, 2005, 210-224.
  • P.Šarčević, Sex and Gender Identity of «Sworn Virgins» in the Balkans, u: M. Jovanović, S. Naumović, Gender Relations in South Eastern Europe:Historical Perspectives on Womanhood and Manhood in XIX and XX Century, Belgade-Gratz, 2002, 125-143.
  • 1. K. Mos, Jugoslovenski transseksualni heroji: "Virdžina" i "Marble Ass", Reč, br.67/13, septembar 2002, 327-346. 2. D. Žarkov, Tijelo drugoga ili seksualno nasilje i tvorba maskuliniteta, seksu
  • 1. J. Jackson, Chronic pain and the tension between the body as subject and object, u: Chordas (ed.), Embodiment and experience. The existential ground of body and self, Cambridge University Press, Ca
  • 3. D. Lupton, Tijelo u medicini, Treća. Časopis za ženske studije, br.1, vol. IV, Zagreb, 2002, 170-190. 4. B. Žikić, Antropološka analiza HIV/HCV-vulnerabilnosti i rizičnog ponašanja
  • C. Shilling, The Body and Phisycal Capital, u: K. Woodward, (ed.), Identity and Difference, Sage ,Open University, London, 1997, 88-93.
  • 1. A. Balsamo, Virtalno tijelo u cyber prostoru, Treća, Časopis Centra za ženske studije, br.1, Vol. IV, Zagreb, 2002, 284-298 2. J. Gonzales, Zamišljajući tijelo kiborga, Tr
  • 1. A. Balsamo, Virtalno tijelo u cyber prostoru, Treća, Časopis Centra za ženske studije, br.1, Vol. IV, Zagreb, 2002, 284-298 2. J. Gonzales, Zamišljajući tijelo kiborga, Tr
  • 1. K Woodward, (ed.), Identity and Difference, Sage Publications in association with the Open University, London, 1997 2. A. Strathern, Body Thoughts, The University of Mitchigan Press, Ann Arbor ,
  • 1. T. Laquer, Making Sex: Body and Gender from Greeks to Freud, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1990, 149-193 2. Ž.Papić, Polnost i kultura. Telo i znanje u socijalnoj antropol
  • 3. J.Žujović, Dnevnik I, Arhiv Srbije, Beograd, 1986. 4. M.Mijušković, Ljubav, brak i porodica u našim narodnim poslovicama, Beograd, 1973. 5. N.Pavković, Etnografski z
  • 1. D. Heat, R. Rapp and K-S. Taussing, Genetic Citiyenship, u: D. Nugent and J. Vinsent (eds.), A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics, Blackwell Publishing, London, 2004, 152-167.
  • 1. N. Yival-Davis, Gender and Nation, Sage Publications, London, 1997. 2 D. Stojanović, Stanje zdravlja žena i dece u Srbiji početkom XX veka, u: Žene i deca, Biblioteka helsinške sveske, br. 23, Be
  • 1. M. Lock, Cultivating the Body: Anthropology and Epistemologies of Bodily Practice and Knowledge, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 22, 1993, 133-155 2. J. Chordas, Introduction: the body as re
  • 4.L. French, The political economy of injury and compassion : amputees on ther Thai-Cambodia border, u: J. Chordas (ed.), Embodiment and experience. The existential ground of body and self, Cambridge
  • 1. M. Garber, Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety, Routledge, London and New York, 1992. 2. M. Garber, Šik od Arabije: transvestizam, transseksualizam i erotika kulturnog pris
  • 1. A.Strathern, Body Thoughts, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 153-176 2. D. Haraway, The Biopolotics of Postmodern Bodies: Determination of Self in Immune System Discourse, u: J. Price
  • 4. S. Benson, The Body, Health and Eating disorders, u: : K. Woodward (ed.), Identity and Difference,Sage Publications in association with the Open University, London, 1997, 122-150 5. G. Seidel and
  • 6. M. Malešević, Menopauza-poslednja misterija krvi, u: Običaji životnog ciklusa u gradskoj sredini, Posebna izdanja Etnografskog instituta SANU, knj. 48, Beograd, 2002, 199-215 7.M.Pavlović, Pojam bole
  • 1. L. Bell (ed.), Good Girls, Bad Girls. Sex Trade Workers & Feminists Face to Face, Opirog, Toronto, 1987. 2. D. Radulović, Prostitucija u Jugoslaviji, Filip Višnjić, Beograd, 1986, 3
  • 1.D. Haravej, Manifest za kiborge–Nauka tehnologija i socijalistički feminizam osamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka, u: B. Anđelković (priredila), Uvod u feminističke teorije slike,
  • 4. N. K. Hayles, Unfinished Work : From Cyborg to Cognisphere, Theory, Culture and Society, Annual Revieew, Vol. 23., Nº 7-8, 2006, 159-166. 5.S. Franklin, The Cyborg Embrio: Our Path to Transbi
  • J. Vince- Paulla, Amazonke iz Istre: na tragu istarskih, u muško preobučenih žena, u: J. Ramberšić Kirin, T. Škorić, Između roda i naroda. Etnološke i folklorističke studije, 2004, 119- 137.
  • S. Dekić, Seks, roblje i politika. Problem trgovine ženama u štampanim medijima u Srbiji, Genero, Centar za ženske studije, Beograd, 2004, 29-37.