Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Classical Sociological Theory course completed

Course objectives: The aim of the course is, firstly, to give an overview of theoretical pluralism prevalent in contemporary sociology; and secondly, to help students develop an ability to recognize an author's theoretical affiliation through types of argument and ways of constructing sociological objects.

Course description: This course gives students an understanding of the main theoretical approaches in sociology after World War II. Beginning with the theoretical system of the «last classic», Talcott Parsons, and ending with postmodern social theory, various theoretical currents and schools are presented, critiqued, compared to each other, and their overall theoretical contribution evaluated. In addition to providing this general overview, the course will also help students develop theoretical skills, which involves being able to identify the various constitutive layers within sociological theory and detect the connection between theoretical assumptions and research results. Seminar classes will proceed mostly through class discussion and by applying various theoretical frameworks to empirical problems that occur in present day society.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to recognize basic assumptions of different theoretical approaches; to compare them, identifying their respective merits and drawbacks; and to choose and apply the most appropriate theoretical approach to a given research problem.

  • Lalman, Mišel, Istorija socioloških ideja tom II, ZUNS, Beograd 2004, str. 115-117, 140-147, 152-157, 182-191
  • Ricer, Džorž, Savremena sociološka teorija i njeni klasični koreni, Službeni glasnik, Beograd 2009, str. 31-47, 105-374.
  • Spasić, Ivana, "Interpretativna sociologija - izazovi razumevanja društvenog sveta", u: Intepretativna sociologija, Beograd 1998: 5-32
  • Gane, Nicholas, The Future of Social Theory, London 2004
  • Harrington, Austin (ed.), Modern Social Theory: An Introduction, Oxford University Press 2005
  • Layder, Derek, Understanding Social Theory, London 1994
  • Mouzelis, Nicos, Sociologijska teorija: što je pošlo krivo?, Zagreb 2000.
  • Swingewood, Alan, A Short History of Sociological Thought, London 2000
  • Maynard, Mary, Sociological Theory, London 1989
  • Ritzer, George (ed.), Frontiers of Social Theory: The New Syntheses, New York, 1990
  • Kuvačić, Ivan (ur.), Suvremene sociološke teorije, Zagreb 1990.