Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Anthropology of Religion
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: In accordance with regulations.

Course objectives: Understanding and evaluation of religious phenomena according to various theoretical concepts and approaches to the study of religion, the development of critical thought of different religious traditions and religious pluralism in the culture.

Course description: The course covers additional topics: 1 Fundamental stipulations applying to the anthropology of religion, interdisciplinary studies in religion, anthropology of religion and related scientific disciplines 2. The main theoretical approaches in anthropology of religion, the empirical applicability of theoretical approaches in the study of religion 3. Traditional and archaic religion, cultural forms, rituals and symbols. 4. Religion in contemporary society: its transformations and forms of expression, secularization, desecularization and revitalization of religion, alternative forms of religious life and new religious movements and cults, religiosity, the exploitation of religion, religion, media and education.

Learning Outcomes: The adoption and mastering of the conceptual and categorial apparatus in the anthropology of religion, critical understanding of religious phenomena in different cultural contexts, understanding of mutual relationship and influence of different cultures and religions.

  • Enciklopedija živih religija , Beograd 1990.god. (s.v.: Hrišćanstvo; Islam; Budizam; Žene, status i uloga u svetskim religijama; Ženski aspekti sakralnog)
  • M. Vukomanović, Religija, Beograd, 2004, 7-38, 38-47, 60-74.
  • M. Hamilton, Sociologija religije, teorijski i uporedni pristup, Klio, Beograd, 2003., 29-48; 56-69; 70-98;105-135; 142-155;186-202; 216-256; 291-298; 303-347;352-373; 374-448.
  • E.Lič, Kultura i komunikacija, Beograd, 1983. 16-74; 104-121. M. Bloh, Od plena do lovca, Kultura br.101, Beograd, 2001.,100-113. Dž. Let, Nuka, religija i antropologija, Kultura 101, 33-44.
  • E.E.Evans-Pričard, Socijalna antropologija, Prosveta, XX vek, Beograd, 1983. 67-120 M.Daglas, Čisto i opasno, Beogra: XX vek , 1993. 9-62. M. Mos, Socijalna antropologija, Prosveta, Biblio
  • J. Djordjević, Antropologija religije: proširivanje domena religije, Kultura, 101, Beograd, 2001. N.Dugandžija, Svetovna religija, Beograd 1980. 7-129; 155-171; 225-263
  • Enciklopedija novih religija, (Nove religije, sekte i alternativni duhovni pokreti)ur. Kristofer Patridž, Zagreb, 2005.
  • Lidija Radulović, Okultizam ovde i sada: magija, religija i pomodni kultovi u Beogradu, Srpski genealoški centar i Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd 2007.
  • Ajlin Barker, Novi religiozni pokreti:praktičan uvod, Zograf, Niš 2004.
  • Fiona Bowie, The Anthropology of Religion, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2000. 91-113;151-184;190-218;219-254.
  • Daniel Pals, Seven Theories of Religion, New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1996. 16-53; 88-123; 198-232.
  • Gerc K., Promena ciljeva, pomeranje meta: o antropologiji religije, u: Kultura 118/119 Kliford Gerc, Beograd: Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka 2008. 131-153 Gerc K., Tumačenje kulture I: Religija kao kulturni sistem, Beograd: XX vek, 1998. 119-174
  • C. Bader, A.Demaris, A Test of the Stark-Bainbridge Theory of Affiliation with Religious Cults and Sects, Journal for the Scientific of Religion, 35 (3), 1996. 285-303.
  • E. Čapo, Teorije mitologije, Beograd: Clio, 2008. 11-21
  • DJ. Šušnjić, Religija 1-2, Beograd, 2000.I /31-125; 129-337; II/ 27-13
  • E.Lič, Klod Levi-Stos,Beograd: Prosveta, XX vek, 1982.
  • D.Bandić,Tabu u tradiconalnoj kulturi Srba, Beograd: Prosveta, XX vek,1981. (uvod)
  • K.Levi-Stros, Strukturalna antropologija, Zagreb1989.
  • B.Malinovski,Magija,nauka i religija, Beograd 1981. (istoimeno poglavlje)
  • E.Dirkem, Elementarni oblici religijskog života, Beograd 1982. (uvod)
  • S.Frojd,O seksualnoj teoriji - totem i tabu, Novi Sad 1969.
  • T.Ling,Istorija religije istoka i zapada, Beograd 1993.
  • M.Elijade, Istorija verovanja i religijskih ideja I-III, Beograd 1991
  • M.Elijade,Vodič kroz svetske religije, Beograd 1996.
  • Religiozni obredi,običaji i simboli, Beograd 1980.
  • A.Leroa-Gourhan,Religije prethistorije, Beograd: XX vek 1991. 5-17; 51-89; 185-198
  • Dž.Dž.Frejzer, Zlatna grana, Beograd:BIGZ 1977. 20-77;
  • Desekularizacija sveta: oživljavanje religije i svetska politika, (ur.) Piter L. Berger, Novi Sad: Mediterran Publishing, 2008. 11-30, 81-100.