Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Master’s Degree 2014
Anthropology of the contemporary
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: There are no preconditions

Course objectives: Mastering research and interpretation of the contemporary society.

Course description: Anthropology of contemporary covers examines the totality of the modern world. Due to the inability of the presentation of such a totality, it is necessary to select a small number of phenomena as experimental fields to master the analysis of the present. Such experimental fields are anthropology of the ''post-socialism'', the study of the informal economy, the analysis of urban legends, the study of sport rituals, the analysis of the urban ritual city (pedestrian zones), urban spaces and urban forms, understanding and defining economic characteristics. There is no practical training.

Learning Outcomes: The ability for contemporary analytical interpretation.

  • I.Kovačević,Antropologija tranzicije, Beograd, 2007. 11-35, 37-50, 81-107.
  • B-Žikić,Ljudi (koji nisu sasvim) kao mi. Kulturna konceptualizacija pojma privatnik u Srbiji, u Vladimir Ribić (ur.), Antropologija postsocijalizma, Beograd 2007, 52-74.
  • V.Vučinić,Prostorno ponašanje u Dubrovniku, Antropološka studioja grada sa ortogonalnom strukturom, Beograd, 1999.
  • I.Erdei,Bogatstvo u tranziciji - konceptualizacija bogatstva na primeru dva knjaževačka preduzetnika u S.Kovač(ur.),Problemi kulturnog identiteta stanovništva savremene Srbije,Beograd,2005.205-228.
  • I.Kovačević,Urbane legende - američki i/ili globalni folklor. Etnoantropol. probl., 2007, god. 2, sv. 2, str. 11-23.
  • I.Erdei,"Oči zelene kao dolari" : antropologija potrošnje u Srbiji u tranziciji,Lj.Gavrilović-D.Radojičić,(ur.),Etnologija i antropologija:stanje i perspektive,ZbornikEISANU,21.Beograd,2005.173-186.
  • D.Sinani,Fenomen opsednutosti u istočnoj Srbiji kao osnova za produkciju ritualnih funkcionera. Glas. Etnogr. muz. Beogr., 2006, knj. 70, str. 215-234.
  • J.Thomas, What is the Informal Economy Anyway, SAIS Review, Vol.XXI, No.1.2001.
  • D.Sinani,Fenomen opsednutosti u istočnoj Srbiji kao osnova za produkciju ritualnih funkcionera. Glas. Etnogr. muz. Beogr., 2006, knj. 70, str. 215-234.
  • B.Žikić,Antropologija gesta,2. Savremeno društvo, Beograd,2002.
  • B-Žikić,Gest u egzoteričnom kontestu. Glas. Etnogr. inst., 2004, knj. 52, str. 17-28.