Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
National ethnology / anthropology - Literature and Society
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: There are no prerequisites for attendance.

Course objectives: The main goal of course is to articulate an anthropological and interdisciplinary field of study from the standpoint of ethnographic and literary discourse as cultural practices in certain social and historical contexts.

Course description: The field of literature, its elements and rules The types of studies and interpretations; views on literature and approaches The relations between anthropology and literary studies Anthropological-ethnographic writing and interpretative approaches The use of literature in the local ethnology; contribution to literary history and other literary events Contextual interpretation of the genre of domestic and world literature

Learning Outcomes: Students should master the conceptual language of the relevant theoretical and methodological approaches and apply it to their research while processing specific topics.

  • Porter Abot, H., Uvod u teoriju proze, Službeni glasnik, Beograd 2009, 37-75, 141-184.
  • Bahtin, M., O romanu, Beograd, Nolit, 1989.
  • Bart, R., Furije, Sad, Lojola, Vuk Karadžić, Beograd 1979.
  • Kalve, L. Ž., Rolan Bart: Jedno političko gledanje na znak, Beograd, BIGZ, 1976.
  • Goldman, L., Struktura: ljudska stvarnost i metodološki koncept, u: Strukturalistička kontroverza. Jezici kritike i nauke o čoveku, Priredili E. Donato i R. Meksi, Beograd, Prosveta, 1988, 123-136.
  • Sontag, S., The Anthropologist as Hero, u: E. Nelson Hayes and Tanya Hayes, (Eds.), Claude Lévi-Strauss: The Anthropologist as Hero, 184-196.
  • Milošević, N., Antropološki eseji, Beograd, Nolit, 1978, Drugo, ispravljeno i dopunjeno izdanje, 241-307, 311-317.
  • Fabijeti, U., R. Maligeti, V. Matera, Uvod u antropologiju: Od lokalnog do globalnog, Clio, Beograd 2002. (6. gl., 162-180)
  • Marcus, G. E., M. J. Fischer, Antropologija kao kritika kulture: Eksperimentalni trenutak u humanističkim znanostima, Naklada Breza, Zagreb 2003.
  • Thornton, R. J. , “Imagine Yourself Set Down”, Anthropology Today, 1 (oct. 1985): 7-14.
  • Rabinow, P., Representations are Social Facts: Modernity and Post-Modernity in Anthropology, u: Clifford and Marcus, eds., 1986, 234-261.
  • Geertz, C., Found in Translation: On the Social History of the Moral Imagination, u: Local Knowledge, 35-54.
  • Archetti, E. P., ed., Exploring the Written: Anthropology and the Multiplicity of Writing. Scandinavian University Press, 1994.
  • Rapport, N., Transcendent Individual: Towards a Literary and Liberal Anthropology, London and New York, 1997.
  • Todorov, C., Mi i drugi: Francuska misao o ljudskoj raznolikosti, Biblioteka XX vek, Beograd 1994.
  • Monteskje, Š., Persijska pisma, Utopija, Beograd, 2004.
  • Golsvorti, V.. Izmišljanje Ruritanije: Imperijalizam mašte, Geopoetika, Beograd 2000.
  • Said, E. W., Reflexions on Exile and Other Essays, Harvard University Press, Cambridge Massachusets 2002. (Conrad and Nietzche, History, Literature and Geography...)
  • Đorđević, T., Književne prilike u Srbiji pre stotinu godina, u: Naš narodni život, 3, 175-205.
  • Burdije, P., Pravila umetnosti: Geneza i struktura polja književnosti, Svetovi, Novi Sad 2003, 303-320.
  • Kompanjon, A., Demon teorije, Svetovi, Novi Sad 2001, 5-340.
  • Mark Turner, The Literary Mind, New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996, Bedtime with Shahrazad, 3-11, Human Meaning, 12-25.
  • Paul Fajerabend, Nauka kao umetnost, Izdavačko preduzeće Matice srpske, Novi Sad 1994.
  • Roman Jakobson, Lingvistika i poetika, Nolit, Beograd 1966.
  • Smadar Lavi, Kirin Narayan, i Renato Rosaldo, eds., Creativity/Anthropology, Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 1993.
  • Gayatri Spivak, In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics, Methuen: New York and London, 1987.
  • J. Clifford, G. Marcus, eds., Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley, Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1986.
  • Triling, Lajonel, Iskrenost i autentičnost, Nolit, Beograd 1990.