Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
National ethnology / anthropology - Religion
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: There are no specific preconditions for attending the course

Course objectives: a) acquiring fundamental knowledge of the aforementioned issues, interiorizing the conceptual and categorial apparatus b) introduction to the research techniques and theoretical approaches dealing with alternative and new religious movements c) introduction to the religious communities in Serbia d) review of various social groups and their functioning, and the different motives of assembly and association, thought concepts and behavior through relativization of the term ''religion''.

Course description: The course is comprises with the following topics: Theoretical lectures: 1. Introduction 2. Religions and religious communities 3. Alternative religious concepts 4. Secular and religious concepts Practical lectures: 5. The religious and ritual ''theory' ' and ''practice' 'of specific alternative religion

Learning Outcomes: Training students for independent research, understanding and interpretation of religious phenomena, developing critical thought, different religious traditions and religious pluralism in Serbia;

  • Dž. Drejn, Uvođenje u Novi zavet, Beograd, 2004
  • E. Pejgls, S one strane vere, Beograd, 2005.
  • - Barker, Eileen (1986), Religous Movements: Cult and Anticult Since Jonestown, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 12, 329-346.
  • - Barker, Eileen (1998), New Religions and New Religiosity, in: E. Barker, M. Warburg (eds.) New Religions and New Religiosity, Aarhus University Press.
  • - Barker, Ajlin (2004), Novi religiozni pokreti, Niš: Zograf, 12-33.
  • - Chryssides, George D. (1994), New Religious Movements - Some Problems of Definition, Diskus, Vol. 2 no. 2.
  • - Chryssides, George D. (2000), Defining the New Spirituality, CESNUR.
  • - Hamilton, Malkom (2003), Sociologija religije, Beograd:Klio, 374 – 443.
  • - Lewis R. James, Melton J. Gordon (1992), Pesperctives on New Age, Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • - Lewis R. James (1995), The Gods Have Landed, New Religions from Other Worlds, Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • - Melton, Gordon J., Moore Robert L. (eds.)(1982), The Cult Experience: Responding to the New Religious Pluralism, New York.
  • - Melton, Gordon J.(1990), New Age Encyclopedia, Detroit.
  • - Melton, Gordon J. (1993), Another Look at New Religions, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 527, Religion in the Nineties, 97-112.
  • - Melton, Gordon J. (1999), Rise of a study of New religions, CESNUR
  • - Niebuhr, Richard H. (1957), The Social Sources of Denominationalism, New York.
  • - Partridž, Kristofer (ur.) (2005), Enciklopedija novih religija – nove religije, sekte i alternativni duhovni pokreti, Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak.
  • - Rutven, M (2003), Islam, Sarajevo: Šahinpašić, 54-78.
  • - Sinani, Danijel (2009), Možda si ti ona prava? Nove religije i Alternativni religijski koncepti, EAP, n.s. god. 4, sv. 1, 163-185.
  • - Troeltsch, Ernst (1931), The Social Teachings of the Christian Churches, London.
  • - Wallis, Roy (1984), The Elementary Forms of New Religious Life, London.
  • - Wallis Roy (2003), Three Types of New Religious Movements, in: Dawson Lorne L., Cults and New Religious Movements, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 38-56.
  • - Weber, Max (1922, 1965), The Sociology of Religion, London.
  • - Verne, Žan (1997), Sekte, Beograd: Plato, 11-86.
  • - Wilson, Bryan R. (1959), An Analysis of Sect Development, American Sociological Review, Vol. 24, no. 1, 3-15.
  • - Yinger, J. Milton (1946), Religion in the Struggle for Power, Durham.
  • D. Đorđević, Proroci '' Nove istine'': sekte i kultovi (šta treba da znamo o novim religijskim pokretima?), Niš, 1998; ili D. Đorđević, Sekte i kultovi, Beograd, 2003.
  • Mišel Lakroa, New Age - ideologija novog doba, Beograd, 2001, 11-90.
  • Roman Miz, Verske zajednice u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori, u: Religija i tolerancija, Niš, 2004.
  • T. Robbins, D. Anthony, The Sociology of Contemporary Religous Movements, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 5, 1979, 75-89.
  • R. Stark, W. Bainbridge, Networks of Faith: Interpersonal Bonds and Recruitment to Cults and Sects, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 85, No. 6, 1980, 1376-1395.