
Classics – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Cult and Iconography in the Roman Period
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: None

Course objectives: Students will be introduced to the specifics of roman cults in the central Balkan region, direction of influence, assimilation and the relation the roman government and official religion had toward the dissemination and popularization of eastern cults.

Course description: New aspects in interpretation of the Mitra cult; the rise and annihilation of the Jupiter Dolichenus cult; interpretatio orientalis of the Jupiter Turmas Gad and Theos Hypsistos cults; the Attis cult; cults of Egyptian deities (Isis, Serapis, Hermes-Toth, Harporatus, Isis Alexandria, Isis Pelagia), oriental decoration elements on tombstones and sarcophagi made of lead or stone.

Learning Outcomes: Essay, oral examination

  • D.Vučković-Todorović, Svetilište Jupitera Dolihena u Brzoj Palanci, Starinar XV-XVI, Beograd 1965, 173-182.
  • A.Jovanović, Ogledi iz antičkog kulta i ikonografije, Beograd 2007.
  • Lj.Zotović, Novo tumačenje Dolihenovog spomenika iz Slankamena, Starinar XXII, 1971 (Beograd 1974), 59-65.
  • Lj.Zotović, Istorijski uslovi razvoja orijentalnih kultova u rimskim provincijama na teritoriji Jugoslavije, Starinar XIX, Beograd 1969, 59-72.
  • Lj.Zotović, Mitraizam na tlu Jugoslavije, Beograd 1973.
  • Lj.Zotović, Putevi širenja Mitraizma na tlu Jugoslavije, Balkanika II, Beograd 1971, 69-84.
  • Lj.Zotović, Prilog proučavanju Turmasgadovog kulta, Starinar 27, 1977.
  • M.Tačeva-Hitova, Istoriя na istočnite kultove v Dolna Miziя i Trakiя, Sofiя 1982.
  • J.Medini, Rimska i orijentalne religije na istočnoj obali Jadrana, Materijali SAD 12, 1976.
  • A.Jovanović, Prilog proučavanju kulta Theos Hypsistos na Balkanu, Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva 11, Beograd 1996.
  • D.Ulansey, The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries.Oxford 1989.