
Classics – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Urbanization of the Roman Empire in Eastern and Western provinces
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: None.

Course objectives: For students to gain insight into the urbanization process in provinces and introducing them to the major aspects of its influence on the political system and social order of the Principate.

Course description: The City as the constitutive unit of roman provinces. The expansion of the urban lifestyle and integration of populations from provinces into roman citizens during the era of the Principate. The diversity within autonomous urban communities in regards to status and institutions. The functioning of city government. The city and its territories. The relationship between central government (leaders) and city autonomy.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to research specific problems related to urbanization while pursuing higher degrees (masters or doctorate).

  • A.N. Sherwin-White, The Roman Citizenship, Oxford 19732 , 221-424, Part II-IV.
  • F. Abbot and A. Johnson, Municipal Administration in the Roman Empire, Princeton 1926.
  • H. Galsterer, Local and provincial institutions and government, CAH XI2 (Part III,10), Cambridge 2000, 344-360.
  • F. Millar, Empire and city, Augustus to Julian: obligations, excuses and status, JRS 73, 1983, 76-96.
  • F. Vittinghoff, Zur römischen Municipalisierung des lateinischen Donau-Balkanraumes. Metodische Bemerkungen, ANRW II 6, 3-55.
  • F. Jacques, Les cités de l’Occident romain du Ier s. av. J.-C. au VI s. ap. J.-C., Paris 1990.
  • A. Lintott, Imperium Romanum: Politics and Administration, London 1993.
  • A.K. Bowman, Provincial administration and taxation, u: CAH X (Part II 10), Cambridge 1996, 344-370.
  • W. Eck, Provincial administration and finance, u: CAH XI (Part II 7), Cambridge 2000, 266-292.
  • G.P. Burton, Was there a long-term trend to centralisation of authority in the Roman empire?, RPh 72, 1998, 7-24.
  • H. Galsterer, Untersuchungen zum römischen Städtwesen auf der Iberischen Halbinsel, Berlin 1971. [Madrider Forschungen 8]
  • J. Gascou, La politique municipale de l’empire romain en Afrique proconsulaire de Trajan à Septime-Sévère, Rome 1972.
  • A.H.M. Jones, Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces, Oxford 1971.
  • A.D. Macro, The cities of Asia Minor under the Roman Imperium, ANRW II 7.2, 658-97.
  • D. Nörr, Die Städte des Ostens und das Imperium, ANRW I, 7.1 (1979), 3-20.
  • F. Papazoglou, Les villes de Macédoine à l’époque romaine, Athènes 1988. [BCH Suppl. XVI]
  • F. Jacques, La privilège de liberté, Paris 1984.
  • M. Stahl, Imperiale Herrschaft und provinziale Stadt, 1978.
  • J.H. Oliver, The ruling power: A study of the Roman Empire in the second century after Christ through the Roman oration of Aelius Aristides, TAPhS 43/4, 1953, 895-907.
  • The Cambridge Ancient History [CAH] X, 1996; XI, 2000.(poglavlja o urbanizaciji u pojedinim provincijama)