
Classics – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Introduction to the History of Greece
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: No prerequisites

Course objectives: Acquiring knowledge of greek history from mycenaean to the late hellenistic period.

Course description: A review of the history of ancient Greece from the mycenaean period to the year 146 B.C.E. An accent will be put on the creation and development of the greek city-state, history of state institutions, history of law and lawmaking, as well as cultural history. The crisis of the greek polis and the interference of Rome in the relations of hellenic Kingdom and Polis will also be reviewed.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge of greek history from mycenaean to the late hellenistic period.

  • V.V. Struve – D.P. Kalistov, Stara Grčka, Sarajevo 1969
  • M. Đurić, Istorija starih Grka do smrti Aleksandra Makedonskog, Beograd 1983
  • A. Lesky, Povjest grčke književnosti, Zagreb 2001
  • F. Papazoglu, Istorija helenizma, Beograd 1995
  • Dž. Čedvik, Mikenski svet, Beograd 1980
  • S. Hornblower, The Greek World 479-323 BC, London 2002
  • R. Osborne, Greece in the Making, 1200-479 B.C., London 1996