History of Art


The library of the Department of History of Art was founded after the World War I thanks to Professor Vladimir R. Petković, who also attained for History of Art to become a primary course subject at the University of Belgrade itself, was entirely destroyed in 1944. The restoration of the departmental library as it exists today was initiated the following academic year 1945-46 on the insisting of Professor Svetozar N. Radojčić.


Today, the library possesses over 20,000 monographs and periodicals. Among these are a large number of valuable and rare books and journals. The collection is enlarged with various and numerous undergraduate, master theses and doctoral dissertations as well as with many CDs and DVDs. The insignia of the library are imposing legacies of Pavle Beljanski, Petar Momirović, Dušica i Prvoslav Mitić, Professor Sreten Petković, as well as a part of legacy of Professor Jovanka Maksimović.


Until January 2004, the search within the collections was possible via an alphabetical (authors' or titles), subject and topographic catalogues when computerized publications cataloguing system was started. Today, the online system of Virtual Libraries of Serbia (COBISS) allows users to electronically search the engine containing all monographic publications published since 2000.

Location / Operating Hours

The reading room is open Monday through Friday 8 A.M – 8 P.M. It is located on the fourth floor of the Faculty of Philosophy Building.


Aleksandra Škorić, librarian
E-mail: askoric@f.bg.ac.rs

Aleksandra Ilijevski, librarian
E-mail: ailijevs@f.bg.ac.rs

Contact Phone: +381 (0)11 3206–217
