
Archaeology – Doctoral Degree 2014
Archaeology of the Paleo Balkan People
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: To have passed the following examinations: Iron Age in the Balkans during basic academic studies or Illyrians and Thracians in the pre Roman times

Course objectives: Gaining an in depth knowledge of proto history in present day Serbia and the neighboring countries.

Course description: Evaluation of Greek and Roman written sources for the study of Illyrian and Thracian tribes in the Balkans; The opportunities and limitations that archeological data provides, in the process of understanding the uniqueness of material and spiritual culture of certain paleobalkan tribes; The question of defining the boundaries between Thracians, Illyrians, Dacomesians, Peonians and others; The influence of Eastern Celts on the development of the autochthonous inhabitants in Serbia and the Northern part of the Balkans; The acceptance and opposition to Hellenization and Romanization by the northerly neighbors of Greece and Macedonia; The birth of first proto urban centers in the central Balkan region.

Learning Outcomes: Attendance, essay, oral examination

  • Miloš Jevtić, Sacred Groves of the Tribali on Miroč Mountain, Starinar LVI/2006, 271-290.
  • FOL A, SPIRIDONOV T., Istoričerska geografija na trakiskite plemena do III vek pre n.e., BAN Institut ot Trakologija, Sofija 1983
  • THEODOSSIEV N., North –Western Thrace from the Fifth to First Centuries BC, BAR International Series 859, 2000m (Oxford Press)
  • PAPAZOGLU F., Srednjobalkanska plemena u predrimsko doba, Sarajevo 1968. Reprint: Beograd (Equilibrium) 2007
  • Marijeta Šašel Kos, Appian and Illyricum, Ljubljana 2005.
  • - KACAROV, DEČEVI i drugi, Izvori za starata istorija i geografija na Trakija i Makedonija, Sofija 1949 (BAN).
  • - WIESNER J., Die Thaker, Stuttgartt 1963
  • HODDINOTT R.F., The Thracians, Thames and Hudson, London 1981