
Archaeology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Classical Numismatology
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: None

Course objectives: Introducing students to the essence of Classical numismatology, its character, the location and importance of coin hoards in Serbia, in light of historical circumstances, war and internal upheavals.

Course description: Beginnings of coin minting, Greek city state and colonial coinage, Macedonian royal coinage, Roman republican and imperial coinage, Early Byzantine coinage. Hoards connected to Dacian wars of Domitian and Trajan; hoards from A. Pius time and the establishment of the second limes, as protection for provinces Thracia and Macedonia; hoards for the time of M. Aurelius – signs of Sarmatian and Costobok attacks; six horizons of hoards from the 3rd century – unease due to the barbarian invasion, throne usurpers and the prosecution of Christians; Barbarian hoards in Banat – evidence of Konstacius II wars against the Sarmatians; hoards from the 8th decade of the IV century – manifestation of Gothic destruction; hoards from the mid V century – possibility of assessing the extent of the Hunic depredation.

Learning Outcomes: Class attendance, essay and oral exa

Archaeology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Classical Numismatology
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: None

Course objectives: Introducing students to the essence of Classical numismatology, its character, the location and importance of coin hoards in Serbia, in light of historical circumstances, war and internal upheavals.

Course description: Beginnings of coin minting, Greek city state and colonial coinage, Macedonian royal coinage, Roman republican and imperial coinage, Early Byzantine coinage. Hoards connected to Dacian wars of Domitian and Trajan; hoards from A. Pius time and the establishment of the second limes, as protection for provinces Thracia and Macedonia; hoards for the time of M. Aurelius – signs of Sarmatian and Costobok attacks; six horizons of hoards from the 3rd century – unease due to the barbarian invasion, throne usurpers and the prosecution of Christians; Barbarian hoards in Banat – evidence of Konstacius II wars against the Sarmatians; hoards from the 8th decade of the IV century – manifestation of Gothic destruction; hoards from the mid V century – possibility of assessing the extent of the Hunic depredation.

Learning Outcomes: Class attendance, essay and oral exa

  • Kos, P. Leksikon antičke numizmatike, Ljubljana 1997.
  • M.R.Vasić Ostava iz Jablanice (Kupci), Starinar, N.S. XVIII, Beograd 1967.
  • Mattingly, H. Roman Coins from the Earliest Times to the fall of the Western Empire, London 1960.
  • Sear, D. Greek coins and their values, vol.I-II, London 1978.
  • Mihailović, V. Nalaz rimskog bronzanog novca I v. iz Baba na Kosmaju, Numizmatičar 17, Beograd 1994.
  • Popović, P. Novac Skordiska, novac i novčani promet na Centralnom Balkanu od IV do I veka pre n.e., Beograd/ Novi Sad 1987.
  • N.Crnobrnja, Ostava rimskog novca iz Svetozareva. Valerijan-Dioklecijan, Svetozarevo 1987.
  • Borić-Brešković, B. Novac kolonije Viminacijuma u zbirci S.S. Dušanića, Beograd 1976.
  • M.R.Vasić, Ostava srebrnog novca iz Velikog Crniljeva, Beograd 2004.
  • M.Arsenijević, Periodi pohranjivanja ostava rimskog novca tokom III veka n.e. u Gornjoj Meziji, Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva 20, Beograd 2004.
  • M.R. Vasić, Trouvaaille des monnaies de bronze de IV et V siécle en municipe Horeum Margi, Beograd 1990.
  • V.Ivanišević, dva nalaza rimskog bronzanog novca IV veka sa Beogradske tvrđave, Numizmatičar 6, Beograd 1983.
  • Babelon, J. Antička numizmatika, Beograd 1970.
  • Carson, R.A.G. Coins, vol I, London 1970.
  • Drča, B. Novčani sistem kasnorimskog carstva 293-348, Beograd 2011: 105-206.