
Archaeology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Theories of Arts (Bachelor’s Degree)
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 4
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: The prerequisite for this course is a passed exam in History of Art History and attended lectures in Methodology of Art History.

Course objectives: The goal of the course is to introduce different aspects and levels of artistic expressing, communication, and process of creating art, as well as to facilitate the process of connecting theoretical knowledge about each individual element of art (the creation, development, variations, effects, combinations, etc).

Course description: The content of the course includes: the sources about the theories of arts, forms and objects of theories of arts, theoretical systems from Aristotle to the end of the XX century; theories of arts course study as the base for connecting the theories; scientific fundamentals of theories of arts, theoretical opinions about the elements and phases of art development. The course will also pay certain attention to the areas of the artistic expressing that have not been scientifically examined as much, as well as on identifying theoretical problems concerning the same.

Learning Outcomes: The course is oriented towards the comprehension of theoretical levels of the texts, as well towards creating the self critical theoretical opinion about art, including the development of responsibility for personal beliefs and attitudes, and tolerations for different opinions.

  • M. B. Protić, «Struktura i značenje umetničkog dela», u: Oblik i vreme, Beograd 1979, 21-43; 76-152; 185-217.
  • P. Ognjenović, Psihološka teorija umetnosti, Beograd: Institut za psihologiju 1997, 9-215.
  • M. Popović, Ishodište slike, Beograd: Nolit 1983, 5-226.
  • Grupa autora i M. B. Protić, Ideje srpske umetničke kritike i teorije, I-III, Beograd: Muzej savremene umetnosti 1980-1981.
  • R. Arnhajm, Umetnost i vizuelno opažanje. Psilohogija stvaralačkog gledanja - Nova verzija, Beograd 1987.
  • P. Dragojević, Elementi neoklasicizma. Nastanak i sklop jednog stila u likovnim umetnostima, Beograd 2001.
  • A. Hauzer, Socijalna istorija umetnosti i književnosti, Beograd 1966; A. Hauzer, Sociologija umjetnosti, I-II, Zagreb 1986.
  • Ch. Moris, Osnove teorije o znacima (1932), Beograd 1975; U. Eko, Kultura, informacija, komunikacija, Beograd 1973; B. A. Uspenski, Poetika kompozicije; Semiotika ikone, Beograd 1979.
  • U. Eko (prir.) Estetika i teorija informacija, Beograd 1977; A. N. Vajthed, Nauka i moderni svet, Beograd 1976; M. Koen-E. Najgel, Uvod u logiku i naučni metod, Beograd 1965, 1982, 301-309; 313-331.
  • S. Frojd, Iz kulture i umetnosti (o Leonardu; o Mikelanđelovom Mojsiju); E. Kris, Psihoanalitička istraživanja umetnosti, Beograd 1970; L. S. Vigotski, Psihologija umetnosti, Beograd 1975.
  • A.N.Vajthed, Nauka i moderni svet, Beograd 1976, 33-56 (izvori moderne nauke); 81-103 (17.v); 104-127 (18.v); 156-179 (19.v); 180-199 (relativnost); 236-257 (apstrahovanje); 212-235(nauka i filozofija)
  • V. Igo, Bogorodičina crkva u Parizu, poglavlja: «Bogorodičina crkva», «Pariz sa visine», «Ovo će ubiti ono».
  • Eseji o umetnosti, Novi Sad i Beograd 1966, 337 i dalje; I. Andrić, Zapisi o Goji (eseji), Novi Sad 1961; M. Crnjanski, Knjiga o Mikelanđelu, Beograd 2008.