
Не постоје подаци о траженом курсу.
Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Raider, R.,(2000), Benchmarking Strategies, John Wiley and Sons, New York
Nahavandi, A., (2000), The Art and Science of Leadership, second edition, Prentice – Hall, Upper Side River, New York
Pierce, L.J., Newstrom, W.J., (2000), Leaders and Leadership Process, 2nd edition, Irwin-McGraw Hill, Boston
Alibabić, Š., (2011) Education of School Leaders – from their Educational needs to Training Models, In: SUTRA - FACULTY DEVELOPMENT,MANAGEMENTAND LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION, Shruti Foundation – for Research on Education, Psychology, Traditional Sciences and Systems, Health and Consciousness, New Delhi, pp. 85-103
Hallinger, P. & Bridges, E.M. (2007): A problem-based Approach for Management Education: Preparing Managers for Action, Springer, Dordrecht
Bush, T., (2008) Leadership and Management Development in Education, Sage, London.
Bush,T., Middlewood, D., (2005) Liding and Managing People in Education, Sage, London.
Станичић, С., (2011) Менаџмент у образовању, Центар за маркетинг у образовању, Горњи Милановац